Chapter 34

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I gasped, my eyes snapping awake as I faced the elderly women in front of me. I was me again, Elsa. "Listen you've been through a lot! We will get you fixed up." I said quietly to her, all she could do was nod.

"Mum can you make foo- actually no. First I was answers. Like why were you there? How do you know about magic? Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded, my mind was starting to clog up with hundreds of questions.

"First of all Elsa, everything I did was to protect you. To hide your powers. You and Josh both. I hate your father, not you. Although I pretended to hate you. And I had already locked part of myself away in that book, the only sane part of me that remembered the real world. I created myself in a book, knowing it would eventually find you. And the more you knew, the more I did too. I know about magic because I went to Lhanyia. And I couldn't tell you because it isn't safe. Happy?! If I could choose then I would have told you, I would have trained you myself. I would have taught you how to protect yourself, I wouldn't have let anything hurt you. But that's not how it works, and I completely forgot about everything until they took you away. And from then on I had been seeing things again." She argued with me, her anger turning to pain. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"You still could've told us."'I grumbled, although I was too busy of thinking how to feed everyone.

"Here. Take me. I've already recovered everything I need to, and in time you will know everything I know." My mother said, handing me Atlas. All I could do was nod, "and then wherever I am I'll always have a part of you." I mumbled, already flicking Atlas to a random page.

'Making Food' lay at the top. I scoffed, quickly saying the incantation as tables and chairs appeared in the air, laying neatly down on the grass in front of us. Sitting on plates that lay on the tables was a buffet, roast chicken was in the middle, ham at the sides. On little platters were vegetables of different varieties. At the ends of he table sat desserts, puddings and cakes that made my mouth water. Clearly I wasn't the only one.

I looked upon the hungry eyes of the teachers, their mouths were gaped open.

I sprouted about 20 metal hands, all grabbing the teachers and placing them down on the benches, without any order they dug in, munching happily. Josh was aiming for the chicken, he ripped off a leg, stuffing it in his mouth, his eyes closed with happiness.

I grabbed an apple and numbly ate it, in a minute it was gone. So was most of the food that the guests had eaten.

They were fondly kicking their lips and petting their stomachs, looking more lively then ever. One teacher turned frightfully to me, pointing her slanted finger in my direction. "You! You're a monster! A freak. Did you see wh- what she did?!" The lady hissed. I flinched at those words, trying to hide the pain they gave off. There was a loud clapping sound filling the air.

In one swift movement Zack had lunged himself at the lady, furiously beating her up. "She is no monster!" He growled at her, his teeth was clenched in anger.

Hastily I ran over to him, pulling him off the helpless lady, he relaxed as I grabbed him. Probably happy a friend could help...

I held him back as I sat in front of the lady, pulling her in close. "Now see here, I am no monster, nor freak. If anything, that is what you are, by calling me that. And it may help you realise to give me some respect as I kind of, you know, saved your life. Nothing important I can assure you, but remember I can take away your life just as easily. I would watch what you say to me. And have you heard of the prophecy? Yeah. That's about me. If you haven't then I guess you're not important enough." I sneered, letting all my anger out. Years of constant bullying has captured my rage, this lady was no better then the kids.

The thing that scared her the most, was that my voice was deathly quiet. I hardly ever spoke like that. Her eyes widened and she quickly nodded. I let go of her, "good. Now that that is out of the way, I'm Elsa. Girl of the prophecy and keeper of your life. Sincerely don't ever speak like that to anyone." I hissed, before backing away.

Elsa Darknight: The discovery of LhanyiaWhere stories live. Discover now