Chapter 84

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Everyone was determined to make this the best Christmas ever, as it may be our last.

There were games and battle training all day, at night there would be sing alongs and Christmas carols. The castle was enchanted to have snow everywhere, and I mean everywhere. Also on top of that, since the snow was enchanted, it wasn't cold. It wasn't slushy and gross and it wasn't cold!

The plains outside were all covered in snow, with an ice rink as the river. Many people would skate and ski around, making the most of it.

There were a few pranks, making eggnog challenges and ginger bread making.

I loved it, but I couldn't get the thought it of my mind that I may lose anyone here.

It may be my fault.

What if I was the reason for their death? What if I failed to defeat Endor? I had completed everything, but we were still researching where the room of mysteries were.

"Hey Elsa. Are you okay?" A sweet voice broke into my thoughts, I didn't even realise I'd been brooding.

"Yeah. I'm fine Zack..." I replied.

"Aww. Cute." Tara replied, entering the room with Josh, who hardly left her side. I knew something was going on between them, I could sense it.

"Let's play truth or dare!" I announced loudly, surprised by my sudden outburst.

"Sure. I'm game." Zack said.

"I'm in." Josh challengingly glared.

"Same." Tara said.

"Well isn't this perfect!" I smiled. Little did they know the plan I had in mind for them.

Unfortunately we were interrupted.

"FROSTING FIGHT!" I heard someone yell.

I'm pretty sure his name was Connor. He had the marks of mischief plastered all over that devil grin of his.

I ducked, grabbing Zacks hand as we ran for the door, avoiding the frosting that flew over us.

After a few minutes of sprinting and panting all four of us finally entered the cabin. People were sitting in groups, just talking. Maybe reading.

All very normal, all very kind. All heart-warming. Ignoring the battle raging.

"Well I don't know about you. But I'm tired!" I exclaimed.

"Uh uh uh! No. Remember. We still need to find that room. I swear we are so close to a breakthrough!" Tara said to me.

I sighed, giving in as I followed her out the door and to the library.

Surprisingly there weren't that many people in the library, maybe 50, maximum.

I scanned the shelves, taking a few myths and legend types of books while sitting down and flicking through the pages while quickly reading it.

"Wait. Tara... I found it!" I yelled at the top of my voice, which gained a few 'shhs' throughout the room.

"Sorry" I whispered, motioning for Tara to come over.

She sprinted, basically collapsing on the chair next to me, ripping the book from my arms and analysing it.

"It's in... Nedirla? But that's a few days walk away from here." She hastily said.

"Actually a days flight." I corrected her.

She opened her eyes, smirking, "yeah I guess so. But I can't leave my post, if the battle happens I'll need to attend to the wounded." She frowned.

"That's okay. Zack and I can go. We will be fine!" I assured her worried look.

There was a long silence, "I'll think it through." She finally said.

I smiled, giving her the biggest bear-hug of all time, "you're the best!"

"I know. I know." She said jokingly, making us both laugh.

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