Chapter 10

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I whisked through training, it was combat time as I was pinned against other opponents. My head was brimming with thoughts, making up new strategies. Many were foolproof. I still remembered the night before. what was happening? And why was there something pricking at the back of my head.

It was.. I'm not sure. But every time I thought about it a message conveyed through my thoughts.

Practice. Become a fighter. Get stronger.

I knew I read something, something important. And then when I became good enough I would know what I was told. It was all very confusing.

Unfortunately that disrupted my concentration, I got a deep slash in the shoulder. Staggering backwards I gripped my hand over it. The boy who had hit me with his sword neared me, in a nick of time I ducked, rolled and kicked him in the rib. I heard a satisfying crack, although I don't think anything was broken.

The boy looked up at me, grimacing, "S-sorry. I wasn't thinking..." I muttered, suddenly feeling a wave of guilt. "Nah nah. It's fine. Strong kick you have there." He pointed out. I just nodded my thanks, my left sleeve was plastered with blood. I don't know why but I didn't feel anything. Except frustration.

I knew what I read had been erased, I knew that it would come back to me when I was ready. I knew that when I became a good enough fighter then I would realise what it was. Or the book would show when I was ready. I don't know! Well I do... And that's what annoys me. That I know everything except what's important. I gripped my shoulder even harder and tensed up, making more blood pour out of my wound, "oh wow. Geeze Elsa, what were you thinking. You practically let I'm slash you!" Zach came over with a bandage roll, lifting up my sleeve as he wrapped the bandage tightly around my arm.

I grimaced.

"Ugh... I just. It's. Aghhhh!!! I'm so annoyed!" I said frustratedly, trying desperately not to stamp my foot. "Sorry. I've only done first aid a few time in my li-"

"No that's not the reason" I cut across him hastily. "No you're good at first aid, you know what you're doing." I remarked. "Is this about the book thing?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded, I remember telling Zack, Tina and Josh first thing that morning. And I told them about the teacher. Okay, I told them basically everything I knew about... Well the stuff that's been happening.

I was about to speak when Mike cut through, shooing Zack away, "now that was amazing. Until you lost focus, then he took his chance and hit you." Mike said. "Yeah I kinda noticed..." I replied. Mike shrugged as he opened the doors, letting everyone out.

"It's already afternoon? But the day went by so fast..." I thought about it. The only reason the day went by fast is because you daydreamed the whole time, I pointed out to myself.

That was true. I was daydreaming.

I walked through the big oak doors of the cabin, realising that I'd daydreamed... Again.

I walked in my room, grabbing books about Lhanyia history as I sat down on the carpet, placing the pile next to me as I quickly scanned through the pages, hoping something important would catch my eye.

Nothing in particular made me remember. I read about different monsters, and magic, which had made me feel something.. But it left just as quickly as it came. I sighed, placing the book face-down on the open page as I grabbed a jacket and headed out the door.

I knew where most of the things in the castle was by now, and the rest I just had to figure out. For some reason I just knew. I knew a lot of things, I had a feeing it was because of the book of knowledge... Almost everything I read I remembered, including the castle diagram. Which has helped a lot.

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