Chapter 60

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The whole time I walked I was jumpy. I would freak out at every noise; water dripping from a small hole, my shoes shuffling the ground, even my breath.

I sat down hastily for a while, leaning up against the wall of the tunnel.

Maybe I was close to the top, wherever that was.

My finger scraped a leaf, I jumped, turning towards it and watching it in horror as it withered to a pulp and fell lifelessly to the ground.

"Why is this happening to me?" I asked myself out loud, it helped me relax. And having a conversation with myself would lighten me up and make me think straight. Weird, I know.

"No clue. Maybe someone just hates you." I replied back, getting up and walking along the tunnel again, nervously clutching my cursed hands together.

"A lot of people hate me"

"Maybe they really hate you."

"Well brilliant, why can't they just tell me so I can beat them up already?!" I hissed at myself.

"No clue. Coward I guess." I replied to my question.

"Well obviously. It still doesn't explain anything." I grumbled.

"Yeah. Like how you get powers and then finally control them and them they get taken away and everything. Not to mention everything you touch dies." I said, grouchingly.

"I never asked for this." I reminded myself, as I silently continued my path along the tunnel, never once forgetting about my curse.

I plunged along in frustrated agony for a while, feeling sorry for myself every now and then, and getting even more angry that I'm allowing that kind of weakness.

Finally my eyes caught on something; light.

My whole body perked up, I ran up the steep slope, ignoring my weariness as I finally climbed outside into the fresh air.

I inhaled, smiling to myself.

"Mummy that strange girl appeared out of the ground!" A little child explained.

I looked at her, tugging numbly on her mothers sleeve and pointing at me, her eyes wide.

"What girl? That one? She is just standing there dear. Now stop pointing. It's rude." The woman, who I assume is her mother, said.

Glumly the kid lowered her arm. I approached them.

"Excuse me, sorry but... Where am I?" I asked the lady.

"Oh dearest, you're in Ifre park." She said.

"Uh... Great. And that is...?" I asked casually, trying not to sound stupid. But I felt like it.

A strange girl walks over to you when you're touring the park with your kid and asks you where she is. And the main part of where she is.

Yeah. I would seem pretty stupid to her.

"Honey are you okay? We are in Crit of coarse." She exclaimed.

I had no clue where that was.

"Thanks that's really helpful." I muttered sarcastically, although she didn't get it.

"You're welcome." She said, turning and walking away.

Scowling yet again, I did the same, walking along a different pathway until I was out of that park.

I steered left into a downtown street, walking into a café.

"Hello, can I help you?" The lady there asked me.

"Yes. I hope. I need a map." I started, she looked me up and down.

"You look like you've been to hell and back" she exclaimed.

"I feel like it too." I added.

She smirked, "I like your sarcasm. Want a hot chocolate? On the house." She smiled.

I smiled back. Thanking her and siting down at a table, looking around the shop.

That's weird, I thought there were people in here...

The place was deserted, silence overwhelmed the building, maybe the people left?

Before I could think too much about it, the lady appeared again, smiling and carrying a saucer with a cup of hot chocolate placed on top.

"Thank you." I said, grabbing the cup and gulping it down, ignoring the heat.

"You're welcome Elsa Darknight." The lady hissed at me, I placed the mug down, eyeing her.

"What? How do you know me?" I said wearily, getting up.

"Oh we know all about you." The lady gleamed at me, her eyes turning red and her skin started to shrivel up.

I gagged momentarily, "well that's great. I never asked to be stalked by some creepy lady but hey, crap happens." I grumbled, slowly veering my hand to my weapons belt.

She hissed, "do you have any idea who I am?!"

"Great. Now my stalker forgot who she is!" I exclaimed, inching my hand closer.

"I am the kobaloi, Greek spy Endas!" She partly screamed at me.

"Uh what? Who?" I said, confused.

"Aren't you Greek? But... What?" I asked, still confused.

"Yes, all of the myths are coming true young one. We are awakening." She said to me, smiling gleefully.

"Awakening? We?!" I asked again, my defence lowering.

"My kind. My brothers and sisters, my relatives. All the stories petty humans have told, now coming to life." She started jumping up and down.

"A-and how is that possible?" I stammered, dumbfounded.

"Endor of coarse! Demon of everything! He has summoned us, from the depths of fear that curse your minds, your thoughts. And soon we shall feast!" She squirmed happily, I took control of myself again, un-sheathing my dagger as I lunged at her, "feed on this!" I screamed. Attacking her over and over again, she jumped to the side easily, mischievously laughing.

"We tricked you. You never saw it coming. No. You didn't." The whispy voice madly stated.

I lunged at her, twisting myself as she became an easy target. I slashed her shoulder, the kobaloi howling in pain.

In one swift movement she jabbed my arm, shooting venom from it.

"You're cursed... Now you can't get rid of my poison!" She gleefully said, clapping her hands together.

"W-what did you do?!" I asked, clutching my arm.

"Injected some poison, you'll die within a week. If your curse doesn't kill you instead." She smiled, suddenly disappearing.

"Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!" I hissed, clenching my teeth together.

"If there is some magical monster out there which is the demon of bad luck could you please lay off me?!" I yelled to the air, attracting some glances from outside.

I turned, "wait did you see anything?" I asked her. She shook her head in a daze, "no. You got a hot chocolate...?" She mumbled.

I looked at her, holding my dagger up in front of her. She didn't seem to notice.

"What's going on?!" I said to myself, before running away, not sheathing my dagger.

Elsa Darknight: The discovery of LhanyiaWhere stories live. Discover now