Chapter 4

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I walked down the hallway, everything seemed to glisten. The whole castle was made with a part-shiny silvery-blue type of stonework. Paintings hung along the wall, some people were jumping through, passing it like mist. The way Josh and I had done before. There were little decorations here and there, just to some up the simplicity. And the whole place smelled of magic, I already felt at home.

A pang went through me as I remembered my mother, they would've sorted it out with her probably. I wonder how..? 'Oh hey! Yeah your daughter and son were attacked in the middle of the night and will be out cold for a few days. But now they will go to a special Traning school where they will learn different things. A lot if it is extremely dangerous, but don't worry!' I smirked to myself. I hope they sorted it out a bit better then that...

I turned at the first left corner, walking down for a but further, my feet echoed along the walls. I don't know how but suddenly I cut the sound off them, I walked along to the eighth cabin room, putting my hand on the doorknob. I stopped dead in my tracks.

Oh no! Not again!!! Not now.

I begged, my fingernails had transformed into long, eagle like talons. Sometimes this happened to me, it piped down eventually. I felt my nose fuzz over, and my senses increasing, it was a wolf nose. I cupped my hand over my nose as whiskers sprouted out from my cheeks. I bit the inside of my cheeks, waiting until I returned into human form.

I stood there for a minute, before returning my now human hand to the doorknob, twisting it open, I peeped my head inside warily, coming face to face with Zack, "oh. How come you're here?" He asked, a head popped over his shoulder.


He had bags under his eyes, but his face lit up when he saw me, "ELSA!" He screamed, shoving Zack away and smooching me into his shirt, his grip was tight and my words were muffled, eventually I shoved him off, gasping for breath, **oh. Sorry** he said in my mind. **I don't care, I... It happened again. I transformed slightly...** I said. Glad I could have conversations in my mind with him.

"So, like I asked before, how come you're here?" Zack tried again, many people were staring at me. "Uh, I got out of the infirmary, and Matilda sent me here... Uh..." I didn't really know what else to say, luckily someone else started up a conversation, "oh. You're the one that was attacked! They were surprised by the damage you dealed on the monster thing. I am not sure which type it was," a girl started blabbering on, I lost focus for a bit, until she looked at me questioningly. I snapped out of my daze, "huh?" I replied. She laughed "come on! You can share my room." She smiled. "Oh.. Thanks." I said. "So. You're Elsa, my name is Tina. Tina Sparrow!" She greeted herself, I liked her. She was happy, like Matilda, but serious and formal at the same time.

She walked over, grabbed my arm and dragged me into a room, it was a light blue colour and smelled of vanilla, my favourite. In the corner with two wardrobes next to each other, a dark mahogany. There was a bunk bed in the other corner, the sheets on the bottom were roughly made. At the foot of the bed, about two feet away was a work bench and a bookshelf next to it, filled with books. I smiled and walked over, "books. Books books books books books!" I shiningly smiled at her, "you! I like you. That was my reaction as well." She smiled back, I scanned the shelves. There were five rows, four were filled up with Training books, magic and the basics, mythical monsters, the history of Lhanyia, how to recognise a monster, different types of monsters, Spells and secrets.

There were so many, "I like this place already. It's roomy, it feels like home, and it's comfortable." Tina said to me. I turned to her, "yeah. I like it too." I smiled. She sat down on a dark blue carpet in the middle of a room, looking closely I could see a giant painting on the wall and a plant to the left of the wardrobe.

Elsa Darknight: The discovery of LhanyiaWhere stories live. Discover now