Chapter 11

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"You're still reading?!" Tara asked me, amazement was clearly in her voice.

I was sprawled out along the blue carpet, books piped up around me. I lay on my stomach, my ankles flying through the air every now and then. My face was leaning on my left hand, and my right hand was holding the book open.

"Uh huh. I need to." I said. I had told her and Zack everything. And Josh. I told Josh as well... I will tell Matilda later.

"Yeah I understand, but still. This is ridiculous." She huffed I pouted.

"I'll have you know there is nothing wrong with reading. And I don't mind this book, it tells me all about monsters. Different types and styles and what their weaknesses are. Later I'll go onto the history of Lhanyia-"

"Uh no! You're going to bed. You need to rest! Remember. We have training in the morning!" She reminded me.

"Yes I know... But I keep thinking that the danger will happen straight away." I sighed, remembering the page and closing the book, my head filling up with knowledge.

"Well it won't. Plus tomorrow is the first time we learn about weapons and armour making. And crafting in general..." Tara said, partly excited.

I laughed, "well I better have an early night." I muttered. She smiled thankfully, quickly covering it up. This just made me smile more.

In a quick whisk of my wrist, the books oiled up and back on the working desk, neatly.

My classical fox tail sprouted out and wrapped itself around me, I craved it's warmth before I grew wings and flew to the bed, snuggling in and falling asleep in seconds. Welcoming the dark like an old friend.

"Today we will be learning how to create fire-resistant spells, so you don't burn yourself as you make the weapons or armour." Mr. Lancovsky said, in our first ever FlameStroke class. We will be learning the Sunshine courses In a few days. And then next week it will be the tests.

My body tingled with nervous excitement.

We were set up and stations, there was a bench in the middle, on it sat a table full of tools neck to the place where you craft the things. There was a fire in a little oven-like shelter, a bucket of water was placed near it.

Automatically I recited an incantation, spreading over my body like a golden light. I tested it, putting my hands in the fire. Yup, fire and heat resistant.

Without waiting for orders I started getting to work, creating a golden dagger, weaving in incantations and spells. Powerful and dark, balancing it out with good and light. I was please with my work, the handle of the blade and the sword part were perfectly balanced out. It was shining a faint golden light. The handle was etched with a light silvery patterns of animals in the forest.

"Well you have some gifts." Mr. Lancovsky remarked, making me jump.

I handed over the dagger feebly. "My my... This is one of the best made swor- daggers mind you, that I've ever seen. It's a top made one. Hold onto it, you might need it." He slyly smiled, handing the dagger back.

Taking the dagger back I quickly slid it into my weapons belt, automatically it comfortably wrapped the dagger up in leather, concealing it from view, however easy to reach.

I turned back to the forge, creating a dagger for every one of my friends and adding it with something. A telepathic link.

"Here it is, I made it. Just so we could be in contact while fighting or just in general. All you have to do is think of the people with the dagger, or direct it to one person. It is completely undetectable and you can have a conversation in your head. Also I laced it with spells. And it should stay hidden..." I handed Josh Tara and Zack the daggers, much like my own.

They took it, saying their thanks.

**Earth to Elsa. Earth to Elsa. Can you read me? Over?**

**ha ha. Very funny Zack. I mean, Roger that Zack. I can head you loud and clear, over** I said back to him.

**hey. Elsa? This thing working?** Tara said to me through my head.

**yes. Anyway how is it?** I asked everybody.

**very good, should come in handy.** Josh said.

**guys... We must look so weird to everyone else... We are randomly standing here, doing slight and occasional gestures... We must look really weird** I remarked. There were a few laughs.

"Well thank you Elsa. Better go back to the forges." Josh smiled at me, walking back into the forges. I nodded, before I, too, turned around and walked back over.

I was greeted by Zack leaning cool-dude-like against the wall of my forge.

"Yes?" I asked curiously, not looking up at him.

"Nothing. I'm done, thought you might want help with something. I don't really have anything else to do." He shrugged.

"Oh well. Yeah brilliant." I smiled at him, he smiled warmly back as he came over.

**well how is life?** he asked me, through my mind.

**oh wow. You've stepped over the personal line of secrets there!** I sarcastically said back. He laughed out loud.

**yes. I am a dangerous person**

**i like danger.** I numbly said, without thinking.

**what?** he quickly said to me, snapping his neck at me.

I stumbled, **i uh. I meant danger it... It makes your blood rush. I- i mean um... Yeah...** I blushed obviously. Zack blushed as well. I knew that must have sounded awkward. I cleared my throat.

"Uh...? Well. Why don't we just um... Make random metal things? I don't really know what to make.." I admitted.

"Yeah. Maybe like gifts for each other?" Zack suggested. I nodded, getting to work.

"No peeking." He smiled.

I smiled back, "not on your life."

I was done, quite pleased with myself. I held up the present. "I'm done" I said, not looking behind I case I see the present.

"So am I." He replied.

"Okay. 1...2...3!" I said, running around and holding up my gift, it was a little figurine of a sword, a little tiny one with many spells. Spells of healing, and healing poison. "This could be tied around your neck or hand or something. Simply pose someone who is injured and most wounds will go away." I smiled, handing it to him. He grabbed it, our fingers touching slightly. "Thank you. And this is yours..."'he smirked, holding up a bracelet with a little wolf pendant on it, it was gold with a silver outlining, linked to is was very detailed chain.

"Oh Zack! It's gorgeous!" I said fondly, as I delicately grabbed it, attempting to chain it to my wrist, but failing.

"Here. I'll do it." He muttered, I held out my left arm, ignoring the friendly touch of his hand as he gently strapped it around me.

I blinded some more incantations on it that I read in a spell book last night, just some practice.

I went to the fire again, making a chain that was just perfectly right. It was a big thicker and bulkier then mine, with extra incantations of protection and healing. I doused it in the water before looping the sword though it, and strapping it on Zacks right wrist, "if you ever need to use it as a defence, poison will automatically leak out. Just incase..." I murmured quietly, securing the chain.

"Thank you Elsa. It's amazing and one of the few presents I have ever gotten in my life" he admitted.

"Well that what friends are for." I smiled at him, removing my hands from his arm.

Elsa Darknight: The discovery of LhanyiaWhere stories live. Discover now