Chapter 50

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"Wake up. Hey. Elsa... Come on sleepy she-wolf." That last word snapped me out of my daze. "She-what?!" I asked. Although my voice had a snarl in it. I looked down, damn. I must have gotten cold and grown a tail. Oh my god!

Blushing, with infuriation and embarrassment, I retracted my tail, my canine teeth shrank and my claws returned to nails.

"Sorry. I haven't quite controlled it yet." I said, but that must have sounded stupid to him.

"Nah it's fine. I, and probably everyone, know about your powers. Just be careful." Sam said, his voice was soft and I was surprised at his tone.

"Mmmmm. I don't wanna get up..." I mumbled, turning over. As soon as I did I was lifted in the air like a little kid, and placed on the ground.

"You really shouldn't have done that," I huffed, pretending to be angry. Although it was quite easy, "now I'll eat you for breakfast or something." I grumbled to him. He simply laughed, letting go of me. Of coarse I wasn't ready, and collapsed to the ground. Falling on my face like I usually did. I was too tired to say anything other then; "ow."

"Oops. Sorry! I'll rescue you." He said jokingly, lifting my up and prodding me up against him. "I'm not a damsel in distress! Of anything I am a distressing damsel!" I huffed, rubbing my face and forcing the tears to go away. I can't show weakness here.

"Well it woke you up." He remarked.

"Thanks but in think I'd prefer the sleep." I finished off, rubbing my nose that throbbed like hell.

Walking over to the cupboard I pulled out black stockings, black shorts and... Let me think. A white T-shirt with a wolf on it would be nice. I reached in my hand, my fingers grasped around the fabric of the shirt I imagined. Pulling it out I looked at the design.

Very nice. It was an abstract wolf made out of purple and blue with greys and greens embedded in it. I started undressing, "uh what are you doing?" Sam asked me.

"Getting dressed. If it bothers you then just turn away." I huffed, seriously. What was the big deal? But then again they didn't grow up with twins that you didn't have to hide anything from...

"Come on. Five push ups-"

"Now Ten sit ups-"

"Hurry up."

"Yes really. It's quite boring here-"

"I'm not getting any younger you know."

"SHUT UP!" I intervened, doing the push ups. At least this took Sam and David aback.

"Now do jumping jacks." David directed.

I huffed but didn't argue, "you know you could do this as well. It would be good training."

They both laughed, "yes. We could-" Sam started.

"But we won't." David finished off. I swear they were doing this sync thing just to annoy me.

"One lap around the oval. I want you to do a fast jog. And try not to collapse," Sam joked half-heartedly.

I sneered at him playfully, before going to the oval. I started by lightly jogging for a few minutes, before speeding up at a rapid pace. Even though I wanted to crash on the ground I didn't want to look weak, I need to impress these people.

That thought disgusted me.

When I finally finished I breathed in evenly through my nose, although I wanted to collapse and gasp for air I restrained myself, walking casually, or as casually as I could manage, back over to the waiting Sam and David.

"Took your time..." David muttered, I playfully punched him on the arm. But not lightly.

"I swear I will stab you soon." I muttered to the boy of them.

"No need to be feisty." Sam remarked. I bit my lip.

"Anything else, sir?!" I sneered the last word.

"I think some jumping jacks. And a few push ups. Then a walk around the oval. Go." David ordered. Sighing, I did as he asked, holding back my complaints; they were being so teacher like. They had no emotion. They didn't care about my pain.

Whatever! Just suck it up and deal with it.

I said to myself, getting even more frustrated at my weakness.

When I was finally done, with my anger to fuel me, I walked back to them. Sam gestured for me to hurry, so I started running across.

Of coarse, there was a ditch.

I slipped and fell in, cracking my ankle.

"God damn it!" I yelled at my ankle, instantly rolling over and clutching it.

Oh wow the pain hurt like hell!

I stiffened my wrists, healing up the bones of my ankle. Wrapping them together and keeping them like that. I was lifted into the air, I looked up at Sam and David who were in either side. "Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yes. I just broke my ankle but it's okay now." I muttered, forcing the tears back from my eyes as I numbly placed it down.

Yeah it was healed.

"Okay seriously I'm fine! Let's go get some food or something. You two wear me out." I said, walking in step with their long strides.

"Like a coat." David continued.

"Ha ha ha. I need food. Or you will suffer the consequences more then I will." I said again, overly-dramatic.

"Fine. Let's go get food." Sam said, turning slightly to the direction of the cafeteria.

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