Chapter 22

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I woke up bedraggled, my hair was a mess like it usually is.

I heaved myself up over my bed, propping myself steadily on the floor. Tara was gone, her bed was neatly made. For once I actually felt well rested.

It must have been... 11? No clue. I got a light tank too shirt which was aqua and denim jean shorts.

I shoved them on quickly, my weapons belt automatically strapped around me as I ran outside, getting a quick bite to eat.

I was on the outskirts of Lhanyias boundary, I could feel the force of it. I smiled, transforming into a cheeta as I ran. I ran very fast, constantly shifting and mixing.

In he end I liked the dragon better, I found a nice field that would be nice for practice. I dived down, shifting into an eagle. At the very last second I pulled up, my talons lightly skirting the grass. I glimmered back into a human, grabbing my dagger out and practicing.

I was panting and ladled with sweat by noon. I stopped, sliding the dagger back in my belt as I sat down, calming my breath and heart rate.

I closed my eyes and accidentally dozed off.

When I finally awoke I was starving, my stomach was growling and I didn't have the strength to transform. Uh oh. I looked around, willing myself to turn into something. Anything! Nope... This was not good... Not good at all. I couldn't think straight and my head was spinning from hunger. I looked into the distance at where the castle was as I continuously wiled myself to walk there.

I have been walking for two hours when I finally came near the castle, I could see the faint outline of it. Not having the energy to smile I staggered on, a hand clutched around my ceaselessly growling stomach. Not thinking about anything in general I walked. And I walked, nearing the castle.

Great. I had to climb yet another hill, I sighed in my head as I went on all fours and crawled up, it took me around half an hour before I was at the top of the clearing, looking down at the school. There were a few people around, I collapsed, rolling down the hill aimlessly and lying down at the bottom.

My stomach growled again, I got so angry that it filled me up slightly. I managed to stand up, sort of, and yell at my stomach, "shut up!! I know you're hungry!"

Of coarse this attracted some startled looks. I frowned, ignoring them as I limped onwards, turning towards the heavenly smell of the cafeteria place. I staggered in, "Elsa! Are you okay?" Hazel asked, peering through from the cooking room.

"Food." I gasped, before collapsing In a heap and blacking out.

My eyes flitter open, I was in a room. It was dark and... Underground.

I tensed up, forcing back the flashbacks of me falling... I bit my lip hard, there was a figure by the wall. "Message 8392; You will undergo a series of tests to prove which group you should be in. They will all go in a line, strewn together. Give it your all as your all is all you've got." The figure said, before disappearing. I stood up, immediately getting my knife out. "First test huh?" I said out loud as I proceeded down the tunnel. It was more of a cave, with jagged rocky walls that were damp and the occasional sound of water dropping. My senses were on high alert, I put on eagle night vision, sharpening my eyesight. My nose staid human although I could smell many things.

And the one that was strongest was a monster.

I silenced my steps, my dagger in a defensive pose, I knew I was being watched. Suddenly with no sound at all something leaped at me, a huge monster. It was a Retha, they are bulky with muscle yet fast, it has the tongue and teeth of a snake that constantly drips poison. The Retha had the body of a gorilla, long talons curved out wards at me. Instantly ducking I rolled to the side, avoiding the Retha and swung. My blade slashed its side, blood flowing out. Not letting myself get distracted I swung a kick at it, sending it flying with super strength. Immediately I raised the water, shooting it at the dazed monster as I turned it to ice. Freezing it in place.

Geeze I was lethal when on guard.

I heard a shrill scream, instantly turning away from the monster I ran to where the sound was coming from. There were vials on the ground and a body laying next to them. I ran over to it. There was a girl lying on the floor, she was 8 or something... I one she was fake, that these were just tests. I turned her over, there was a gash on her shoulder. A very deep one, I ripped off the bottom section of her shirt as I tightly wrapped it around her arm. There were no poisons or any signs of concussion or sickness. Except a slight fever. I secured the knot on her wound, forcing the blood to stop flowing out like a river. I went over the the cave wall, holding out my hands in a bowl-like shape. Water trickled in my hands feebly. I stood there, tapping my foot impatiently. Walking over to the girl I poured most of the water in her mouth, using the rest to clean up her face and some of the dirt. I picked the little girl up, hauling her over my shoulder like a sack of flour. I swiftly ran through the tunnel, trying to make my movements as swift and smooth as possible. I kept running, suddenly the girl disappeared of my shoulder. I was stooped for a moment before I ran again, down the tunnels, my dagger at the ready. Or at least it was, until it disappeared.

Now that had made me hesitate, I looked around for anything I could use a a weapon, as if on queue, a forge sprouted out of the ground right in front of me. I approached it cautiously, there was a picture of a shield that I'm guessing I have to make. I studied the designs, remembering them thoroughly as I set to work, sometimes glancing at the sheet to give the impression of checking.

As soon as I finished the shield it disappeared. The tunnels closed around me and I was forced to stay calm. Just before the walls crushed me blackness surged around my vision. Blocking everything from view.

Elsa Darknight: The discovery of LhanyiaWhere stories live. Discover now