2 : fight

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Y/n pov

I've been here for about 2 and a half years, all I did was heal or fight in battles. Even if I was able to heal they still made me battle the monster. Some people I've fought looked so innocent it made me mad at why they would capture them.


I was walking down a hallway, chained with other people, probably going to fight. As I made my way down to the doors one of the soldier handed me a sword. On the opposite side of me I saw who I was fighting. He had auburn like hair and was young. All of sudden i see this guy with a white piece of hair push the auburn haired boy and took the sword?

Oh no they are making me fight him?! I've fought many people but they were a bit smaller

As we both enter the arena, sword in our hands. I think we both knew how this went : you can't leave unless someone or something dies or gets really hurt.

He looked around twenty to twenty four I can't really tell but he looks almost as young as me who is twenty one
We both were waiting till one of us hit first

I lunged at him but he moved and kicked me under my feet. I held my sword and slashed his side making a slightly big gash. He kicked me back and my sword fell out of my hands. I was able to kick him in the back of the knee. After five minutes of punching and kicking, we both had scratches and bruises. I had a large gash on my arm but I could probably heal it so just a scar was left.
I can tell we were both tired and sore at least. I landed the last punch on his shoulder.

Timeskip 20 minutes later
3rd pov

Of course y/n had to heal herself she was one out of 5 healers there and people were lucky they could at least get healed not stuffed in the cell with giant bruises, starving.
Y/n was walked to the cell were the white hair guy was the guard unlocked her and pushed her into the cell to heal him. As she began to heal him on his side she got a clear view of his face , but mainly attracted to the weird piece of hair on his head. She can't really tell if he was human or not with the weird hair and arm. As she move don to heal the littler scratches his eye began to move signing he was becoming conscious...


SORRY IF tHIS IS TRASH AGAIN I WILL BE WRITING A CHAPTER EVER DAY AT LEAST. Sorry if you see mistakes this is my very first book ;-; (ò_óˇ)

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