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3rd pov

"We should look around the town?" Hunk asked
They have been waiting for Allura and Coran for maybe 20 minutes. The rest agreed but y/n looked hesitant. She couldnt just leave her home after not seeing it for years.
"I-I'll stay here while you go look?" Y/n nervously said fidgeting her hands.
"Y/n we can stay for 15 minutes and then catch up with the rest." Shiro said as the paladins walked out.
Y/n began to look around her old house she got one of those little bags that can store big things and started to stuff the books in. She goes to the door which Shiro is already at waiting for her. The two get in the black lion.

Shiro decided to head to the castle. The castle of Asmain. He felt a weird sense that something was there. The black lion stoped right near the giant gates. Shiro and y/n both walked out of the mouth and stood in front of the gates. The place was abandoned.
"Y/n do you remember your way around?" Shiro asked y/n as they walked in the giant castle.
"My memory is a little foggy but I remember the main parts like the throne room and kitchen." Y/n said as she let her way through the golden halls. It wasn't really dark because of the big windows that were slightly tattered.
The two rounded a corner and met a big door, Shiro held it open for y/n.
They met with two large velvet chairs.
"I think this is the throne room?"

Shiro went up and skimmed his finger across the arm of the chair. There was a weird presence. He felt it when he was in his lion. Y/n knew that the smaller chair was hers. She knew that she was once a princess. But was she still a princess of Asmain?

"Y/n we should check the r--GAJhh!!" Shiro accidentally pressed something on your chair and it sent you two falling straight down. Y/n screamed clinging to Shiro. You had to stop yourself before you got to the bottom. Shiro quickly spread his legs making him come to a halt while holding y/n. The two where a foot away from touching the ground.
Why was there a trap door under your chair?
Shiro held on to you as he let go of his feet and landed on the ground. The two let out a heavy breath. A blue glow spread through the Room. Shiro and you look up but his eyes quickly went wide...


Sorry if there is any mistakes. Can you guess what it is???? ANd sorry for posting short chapters. Sometimes I get lazy or tired and I can't write. But I'm trying to make chapters everyday.(ω╹๑ )

      [Attached]Voltron Shiro x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now