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3rd pov~~~

Shiro clutched his side in pain. He didn't remember hitting it when he crashed but he all of a sudden felt really weak and dizzy. He tried to stand up and look around to see what area he is in.
He needed to know if his other team members were ok.
He he was on a rocks one hill like mountain. Below him he saw a couple of Animals. It resembled a tiger or a lion as a alien. But it was climbing on his Lion. He had to get out of view before they became a bigger threat as he could barely fight right now.
"Keith, Ngh. I need you to get here fast~~." Shiro said in pain. He was able to scoot back a little so the alien wouldn't see it.

Another 3rd pov elsewhere~~~

"WAHHH!~~~" y/n cried. She was now about a small baby. If they kept going she would be gone. Since Coran was older he was about a teen.
"Coran I need you to focus and help me!" Allura said holding baby y/n. She kept trying in coordinates to get out. But it kept denying it.
"You don't Understand!" Coran yelled flipping his hair.

3rd pov with pidge----

As pidge met the cute little fluff ball aliens. He realized that with all the junk floating around he can try to make a giant communicator. ( I forgot what it's called Sorry!)
The rainbow aliens helped him out by pushing some thing towards him. They understood what he meant by getting back to his friends.
"Yes! All done!" Pidge said as he typed in something but it shut done.
His face had a look of disappointment but the lion soon powered on and it energized the machine giving it a connection to the castle.

3rd pov with allura.

She was holding a baby y/n and a little Coran running around. All of a sudden the castle gets the energy back but is still unable to move. It was sent some type of coordinate.
She hurriedly typed in and as she went through the portal she was transported to where Pidge was. Pidge was cheering inside his lion.
Coran was normal again and y/n was to but she was passed out.
"Coran can you put her in the capsule we need to check on her when we get all the paladins."

Kieth's pov~~~~

As I hurriedly tracked Shiro to where he was I saw he was running away from some creatures in pain. I saw one hit him with its tail. I rushed to his lion and went inside. I was able to step on it as it was about to attack Shiro. I roasted at the rest scaring them off. I helped Shiro inside as we went to the red lion. It was getting dark.
I helped start a fire and I looked over to Shiro he was in pain clutching his side as it was purple. It was most likely from The galran arm.
"Shiro just hold on they will be here soon to take care of you." I said hoping it would bring hope. He told me if anything happened he wanted me to be the leader of Voltron and watch out for y/n. He shouldn't be saying that.
Just as the conversation ended The castle went though a portal to the planet they were on.

Timeskip----~~~~ 3rd pov

They saw Lance and hunks's beam signal for help. But didn't know why it was under water.

Shiro was placed in a capsule next to y/n. He was in serious pain Allura had to figure out why. Allura had to go visit someone. She also had to help y/n with her memory to. She could only remember up until 17 or 18. And Shiro has been remembering his memories lately. He has been having nightmares of the events of how he was kidnapped and the torture. And having y/n not next to him at night really hurt him emotionally. It had been about 2 or 4 years since. But for the past three days he has gotten y/n back the nightmares calmed down.
Allura knew she would have to find y/n's planet soon....


Hi! Sorry if it's short. And sorry if you see spelling errors. I based it off an episode from season two. Sorry if it was rushed and I didn't get to do what happened to Lance and hunk.

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