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Bold is past events
Italics are Coran or the paladins speaking.

"Once those creatures escape, my forces will quickly be overrun. My planet.. my people.."

"Alford project will save us." Honerva tried to calm his worries.
"Let us hope.."

Time skip to going to the lions--

"I trust this plan will work, Alfor." Zarkon said as the team went down a shaft to where alfor directed it to.
Through the window they saw a bright flash as they gasped and looked out of it. They where taken by breath at how amazing the lions where.
They stepped out and began to walk out of the elevator.
"Alfor, they are incredible.." zarkon was also looking at how the lions shined.
"How do they work?"

"I made them from the quintessence-infused ore of the comet." Alfor said proudly.
",The comet alloy also renders them nearly indestructible."
"What kind of weaponry do they have?" Blaytz asked curiously

"Altean alchemy can accomplish some incredible feats of engineering as you know."

"... but in testing my ship, I started to feel some sort of psychic link."
"I'm not sure how to explain it, but the ship wasn't just reading my mind.... it was communicating with me. We don't know what powers these ships possess, but we may gain understanding with time."

"Time? Time slips away even as we stand here."
"My people will soon be slaughtered by dark creatures from another realm. Without these ships, all hope
is lost." Zarkon snapped at alfor.

"....It may take some doing. These are not regular ships to be chosen at a whim. You do not pick the beast, the beast will choose you...."

Timeskip to flying the lions with them.

The team was practice and getting the hang of it. They all where excited as they flew not so far off the planet.
Through the communicators Alford told them to go easy in the beginning.

"This is greater energy than you ever worked with before."
"Perhaps you should lead the formation, Alford." Zarkon suggested as he then started to give them the position as they all jetted of into it. They formed a horizontal line. Soon the rest started to fall back into their position. But back on the planet the creature stirred and broke out its containment.
It started to form into a thing with arms and legs. It's face had yellow crescent. Galea soldiers started to shoot at it but it didn't help much as the monster shot a large beam at them most likely wiping them out.

Honerva saw what happened as she was on the roof. She looked at it with wide eyes. Quickly something flew above her and that was the black lion. The rest of the lions started to attack from the sides.
As the attacked the monster would screech and continue fighting. After it blew a laser beam at them they began to fire again.

The blue lion went though the back of it but a small part of it separated and started to fly at blaytz. It suddenly trapped him as his alarmed went off.
"These blasted things are covering me!" He yelled into the intercom
The red lion quickly shot blaytz out of it. As they began to fly and attack again.

"Fall back, paladins! We must regroup!" Zarkon yelled as they tried to form Voltron again. As they started to fly up they flowed in their color.
"Hey, I feel it?"
"I do to!"

The alfor had his eyes closed as he had a vision. He saw Voltron.

The monster started to get up again and as Voltron flew down quickly ready to punch it. And as they did the ground smashed to.
"How did this come about?"
"I'm a leg!"

"This power, it's unbelievable." Zarkon smiled.

"This is Voltron."

The monster though was not finished as it shot up from the ground behind Voltron and shot a beam at it. Just before it hit Voltron used its shield to block the powerful energy. But the monster used its other limbs to shoot two more small beams at them as it pushed Voltron back and then Voltron fell back as the beamed stopped. The monster started to circle around it very fast creating a dome around them.

"It's trying to rip into us!" Zarkon grunted as the rest said they needed to get it off. Alfor quickly pulled his bayard up as he stuck it into the whole. It created a large sword and stabbed through the monster. Making it explode.

Time skip again----

"We must find a way to seal the rift." Alfor suggested to honerva.

"Seal the rift? Why?" That got her angry. She just saw what had happened.
"It nearly destroyed Daivazaal!"
"Those creatures nearly destroyed Daibazaal, and you found a way to defeat them." She argued back at him. Alfor turned to zarkon with furrowed brows.
"Well zarkon, surely you agree with me."
"It must be closed." Alfor suggested.

"...perhaps not...look at what we've gained, Alfor. Your ships are the most powerful machines ever created."

"Who knows what else may be discovered if we continue working?"
Alfor was surprised at what zarkon was saying.
"You would risk your entire planet, the entire solar system, for what? For more power?"

"You know its more than that.."

"We already have Voltron! You have to know when it's enough!" Alfor started to get angry.

"-I'll decide what's enough on my planet!" Zarkon yelled at him. Making Alfor gasp.
"I'm sorry, Alfor. The work will continue."

"Honerva continued her experiments on the rift. Despite their differences, zarkon and alfor, along with the rest of the paladins, established a new era of peace and prosperity."

"It was an age of exploration. And Voltron became known as the defender of the universe!"

"I heard there were three more earthquakes this movement." Alfor said concerned as him and zarkon stood beside the red lion.

"Don't worry, I'm installing stabilizers to strengthen the planets cohesion."
"Zarkon, my scientists have scanned Daibazaal... it is fracturing. Soon, the structural integrity will--"
"I can't stop Honerva 's work now! She's discovering more every day!"


Yoo it's kinda a surprise since I haven't updated twice in so little time. But I'm also working on the next chapter. I hope you have a great day and enjoy the book!

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