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3rd pov

"Ok we are going to be leaving in a few minutes." Allura said as she was handling the controls.
As the castle suddenly began to shake and start to lift off the ground. Allura and Coran smiled at how good of a mechanic they are.

As they start in space a allura tells them that they will be going on even more missions now that they are in space.

" we are going to head to a very well known planet. And it hasn't been taken over by zarkon." Allura said switching course to a giant green planet.

" look at that you can see so many stars!" Y/n said looking out the big window.

As they got to the planet very quickly with the technology.
The castle slowly landed
"You probably do not need to worry as this is a very friendly planet." Allura explained as a pink haired person walked up to them.

Y/n pov

"allura?!? Is that you? Last time we've met it was 20,000 years ago!" The pink haired girl said hugging her.
"Grrr Coran.." a gray haired man that looked exactly like Coran.
"Tch naroc (look I can't come up with a name) long time no see!" Coran said bitterly turning his head do they not like each other?
Who is that pink haired girl.
"Oh I'm sorry who are these humans? I am princess nuzo." The girl said
"These are the paladins." Allura said moving over.
"Paladins?!? You're going to save the galaxy, my planet tried to help other planets free." Nuzo said walking up to them.
As they introduced themselves
" I'm pidge"
"Lance but you can call me yours."
"I'm y/n" I said politely
"I am Shiro." He said holding out a hand for her to shake.
As she shook it she blushed and shyly looked at him.
She didn't...
I thought while slightly truly to not look jealous. Coran and naroc where anime glaring.
"So what made you come here, I mean it's great your visiting though."
"This is a very friendly planet and has nice stores and places. I thought they should g t to have a break." Allura said as everybody started to walk along with nuzo to the center of the city.
I grabbed shiro's hand entwining it as he gripped back.
"So how bout we all go separate boys goin shopping together and us girls go together?" Nuzo said while giving them a map of the area in case they got lost she also gave us each a card

"That sounds like a good idea." Allura said
"What are these card thingies for?" I said while fiddling with it.
"Good question, it's a shopping card, unlimited."
Why would I even need to shop? I thought was I still bitter about her blushing at MY Shiro?

Before we begin to separate I ran up to Shiro and kissed him on the lips before running back to the girls. Nuzo had a slight glare at me...

Boys pov~~~~~

"S-stop-- where so sorry m'am we didn't mean to know over the clothes." Shiro stammered apologizing while pushing the paladins out of the store.

What happened was that Lance and Keith started to fight and pushed each other while knocking over the clothes. And then they pushed Coran into naroc and starting another fight...

"How did we managed to get banned from a store already?!?" Pidge said in annoyance.
Coran and naroc just put their head down in shame.
Keith and Lance glared at each other.
Soon they found a store with a bunch of clothes they liked and when they went in they kept Lance and Keith apart.

They took their clothes to try them on.


Y/n was looking at the clothes in one of the stores.
Y/n was looking at this belly top and high wasted jeans. She went to go try them on in the dressing room. As she got closer she heard nuzo talking to allura.
"So is Shiro single?"
"U-um well" Allura started before she can finish her sentence.
She saw me kiss him! And she asks if he is single?!
Y/n thought before turning around as they cam out trying stuff on.
" hey y/n are you ready to check the things out?" Nuzo asked while holding her clothes.

"Yea." She said shortly.
Y/n had got-
-high waisted jeans
- 3 white shirts
-3 black shirts
-2 sweat pants
-10 pairs of socks
-combat boots
- sneakers

As they checked out the items they decided they should go to the food court.
"We have many earth like foods." Nuzo said as we both walked into a large area court.
We went to see if the boys beat us here, we then saw a group of boys messily eating food.
"I haven't had earth food in so Long!!" Lance shouted shoving fries in his mouth.
While Shiro, Keith and pidge were the only ones properly eating.

Yup that's them as the girls sweat dropped.


Sorry if it's bad I'm kinda sick so I tried my best.
I can't believe I even got more than 500 views on the story.
I've been getting kinda good at writing I think so maybe I will start another book but it will be x read I just don't know what yet.

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