34 part 1

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3rd pov-----------

As Shiro woke up, he wasn't in his capsule but on a bed. He winced moving to sit up. He noticed y/n wasn't in bed
with him. What had happened to her? He thought frantically. His side was carefully and neatly bandage. He was going to have to ask why he was in so much pain.
He slowly got up hesitating to walk but he did so anyway opening the door.
Maybe it wasn't a good idea to walk though the large and long hallways by himself.

Allura has been watching y/n in her capsule. When they met again y/n told her the only thing she could remember up to was being kidnapped.

In y/n mind-----------

"But mother! I don't want to go!" A little said. That girl was y/'n and she was about 5 years old. She was going to meet another princess to be exact. Of course y/n being a child didn't want to get all dressed up in a dress to go meet another girl. Was her name Luna? Allun? Allura? Pretty sure it was the last one.

"This girl will be your futures best friend." Your mother said to you. She had Lon white beautiful hair. Of course this wasn't earth. Your mother had powers but rarely used them. Your father was of course the king. He said he was very good friends with King Alfor.
And why would y/n want to meet another snobby princess?
" y/n they are here so act nice and have manners." Y/n's mother scolded the child. After y/n met the first two snobby princesses she could care less about how they viewed her. She would put her feet up on the table hands behind her head.
"If you need me I'll be in the dinning area." Y/n said

End of y/n's dream------

As Shiro grasped at the walls edge. He was near the Sitting room where everyone just sat on the couch or relax there.
Keith must have noticed a figure trying to walk as he quickly got up and walked over to Shiro and Put his arm under him.
He helped Shiro walk to the couch and sit him down.
"Are you ok?" Pidge asked putting a hand on his shoulder.
Allura had just walked in and saw Shiro on the couch. At least he looked better than before.
"Where is y/n?" Shiro asked looking around.
"Shiro I suggest that you should be staying in your room for a couple days to heal." Allura said walking over to him. She didn't know how he would act if he knew y/n was hurt.
"Where is she?"
"She is in a healing capsule--"

"What's wrong with her!?" Shiro asked shooting right up but he quickly sat down in pain. He didn't know why he felt really tired.
"She is getting her memories back.." allura explained while having Keith help Shiro up.
"Please stay in your bed and heal."
Shiro slowly agreed unsure and Keith helped him up and walked him down the hall.

I'm sorrry that this is really short. I won't be posting for about a week or so. But I'm not leaving this book. again i apologize for not updating

      [Attached]Voltron Shiro x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now