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3rd pov

"Shiro it's almost done! We can make it!" Pidge said it was at 79% Shiro knew if they didn't leave soon they would get crushed.

Shiro looked back up nervously said
" sorry."

He took his hand off when it was at 87% but they wouldn't have enough time before they got hit. Shiro took his hand off and grabbed pidge. Dragging him out of there just as it hit that abandoned galra ship.

Shiro had hurriedly got pidge to his lion and getting into his own. And flying off to get a little far away from it. They had no idea what it was but knew it was galra type.


As Lance, Keith, Hunk, Allura, and y/n were still visiting the village. Allura had made peace with them. They were all happy and All of a sudden som of them start to panic.

"What is that?!?" The little creatures said as the rest of the paladins looked up to see something coming towards them.
Every little creature started to panic as Allura and y/n tried to calm them down and explain to them.
"Please all of you take cover inside your home." Allura said while she turned to you the rest of paladins.
"Get to your lions, whatever that is it's probably one of zarkons." Allura said
Y/n volunteered to get the little creatures and anyone else back to safety.


When it landed it made a large sound.
It made the land shake making the creatures panic even more. As t/n tries to calm them down.
Allura and Coran had went back to the castle to communicate with the paladins.

The five were not really sure on what was inside that large oval shaped ship. But it was probably dangerous.

It all of a sudden started to open revealing a large alien robot. It had galra gear on.
The five got ready to attack as it eyes opened and slowly walked out.
They noticed it had a weapon, it was a staff like and had some sort of plasma ball on the top floating.
Shiro recognized it from when he was a slave. He remembers fighting It and it did lots of damage.
As they charge at it it swings the ball making it hit Lance when he tried to attack from behind. They couldn't tell if it had blind spots. It could move its head around since it was part robot.

As the five all were talking through the head piece, Allura said to find its weakness.
"Paladins! I remember fighting it but zarkon must have put equipment on it." Shiro said he couldn't remember it's weakness but he knew when it swung the ball it can destroy things like the beam ray.

As pidge and hunk attack it with lasers it swung the ball around and it came at them. They barely missed it.
"We have to trick it! We have to keep attacking and it won't know who to hit at!" Keith said while the rest were getting ready.


As y/n couldn't keep them still she knew that if they were in their houses Italy be destroyed. She saw right next to the village a cave.
She quickly had to get their attention.
"Please! Go to the cave it is safer!" She yelled out. They started to go into the cave one by one. It was a rarely large cave thank god.
Y/n was holding two of the little kid creatures.
She heard a large boom and hoped they were able to defeat it.


As they each hit it it got confused and didn't know who to swing at so it swung in random directions. It was slow when attacking giving them an advantage.
Just as it was blinded they turned into Voltron and was able to attack it bringing it down from swinging the plasma ball.

As voltron grabbed its sword and was able to hit the alien. It was defenseless without its staff. Before it could get it voltron kicked it back and was able to kill it with the sword.

" we did it!" Lance said while they heard throwing up in the background of the speakers.
"Hunk are you?" Allura said as she was closing her eyes in disgust.

As the five landed and Allura and Coran went to check them.
Shiro went to the village, he saw no one in the houses.
"Hello!" He called he heard a faint hello from a cave when he turned his head.
He moved some rocks and saw all the villagers inside and y/n.
As they each got out Shiro helped y/n get out.
He kissed her knowing she was safe. Y/n wrapped her hands around his neck smiling as they broke apart.
" I didn't see anyone in the village house and I panicked.." Shiro explained.


Sorry if it's bad of you see Any errors
I'm sorry if it's not like the episode but it will probably always be off a little
And pidge is a boy In this

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