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3rd pov

After pidge and matt Reunited on that planet, the two flew back on the green lion. Pidge still had small tears in her eyes while Matt was amazed that his little sister is a defender of the universe.
As they landed onto the ship and stopped in the hanger. The girl began to drag her brother around excitingly. Showing him all around.

"And that's where Allura does her weird magic things. Two things come up and she put her hands on it then it like connects to that giant crystal up there!"
Pidge said trying to explain it the best.

"She also makes wormholes." Now pidge dragged him to where her room was and the library and pool.

Pidge realized that she should be meeting with the team right now at (I'm sorry I forgot that planets name)
She quickly grabbed Matt's hand and dragged him to the green lion again.
She was so excited to show everyone that he's back.

Short time skip----

The two got off the lion and began walking to the group.
The first to meet was hunk.
"Matt this is hunk, hunk my brother." Pidge said with a big smile.
"That's coran, Lance, princess Allura, And well y/n but I guess it's also princess y/n?Pidge said pointing to y/n.
Matt began to blush and his eyes turned to hearts. The girl was in front of him smiling. Y/n could recall Shiro telling her something about a guy named Matt. And seeing him once before while walking down the hallways handcuffed next to a Galra soldier.

"Ah Hello! My names y/n"

Matt began to stutter as all he saw was hearts and flowers around the girl. Behind her was an angry looking Lance who threw stars at his eyes.

"I'll have you know that I've been waiting for her since I met her! You can't come up here trying to steal her from me... and Shiro?" Lance said angry. He remembered trying to flirt with y/n the second he saw her. But he knew that she  off  limits at the moment.

As Lance mentioned Shiro, Matt suddenly straightened himself out and looked up. He looked around till he saw behind hunk and coran was Shiro.

"Shiro!" He yelled running up to him and hugging him. Shiro was in suppose to as he hugged Matt.
"I-I can't belive you're A-alive?" Shiro said as the two let go.

"I escaped with the help of some freedom fighters. I've tried looking for my father but I can't find him..." matt explained how he escaped. He remembers when Shiro's had offered to go battle so he wouldn't get hurt. Shiro looked remorseful as he was also close with Matt and pidge' father.
But Colleen holt has got to be having a hard time. After thinking she lost her son and husband, The only one left runs away to who knows where.


Ayyy I'm sorry I just finished the chapter and sorry for not updating a lot. I have school and like tones of tests and essays. But to me Colleen holt literally has it the worst. She thinks her whole family is gone.

But I'm excited for Steven universe season 5!!

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