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3rd pov~ (again voltron is on an earth like planet with same holidays.)

"Shiro! Why is it raining white stuff? Who poisoned the air?!" Y/n screamed from inside the cabin. Y/n has always lived on a sunny warm planet so this new substance was quit new to her. It was December 24th from what hunk said since he had found a way to figure out the earths date from when they left.

"Huh? That's snow?" Shiro raised an eyebrow turning around to y/n. The entire gang was in the log cabin in the middle of the zorcboc, the new planet they had formed an alliance with. Turns out they actual go by a lot of earth things. Like the same seasons and holidays.

"What is snew?"

"Snow is formed when temperatures are low and there is moisture in the atmosphere in the form of tiny ice crystals. When these tiny ice crystals collide they stick together in clouds to become snowflakes. If enough ice crystals stick together, they'll become heavy enough to fall to the ground." Shiro explained to her the best he can. (Science teacher Shiro)
Just then the door slammed open dramatically to reveal Matt and hunk. They had piles of wood in their arms as their face was red from the cold.

"Yooo we back!" Matt yelled placing the wood next to the fire place.

"The rest of the team went to the town to get a few things." Hunk explained in a softer tone.

Shiro decided to start cooking in the kitchen with the help of Matt. Getting up form his seat next to y/n and placed a kiss on her forehead,
"I gotta get started with the food for tomorrow."

That left y/n with confusion.
"Wait what is tomorrow?" Y/n looked at hunk with the most confused face ever.
"You don't know what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is Christmas!" Hunk said with a grin on his face. Y/n just furrowed her eyebrows.

"What's Chrysler?"

"No, Chris-mas."


"No. Chris-Mas."


"We'll work on that tomorrow. But Christmas is a Holliday where you spend time with your family and friends and give them gifts!"
"But hunk I don't have a gift for anyone!" Y/n worried. She really wanted to celebrate these weird holidays with her team and Shiro.
"The gift doesn't have to be bought. It just needs to be thoughtful." Hunk explained that she didn't need to go out and buy some expensive gift.
Y/n started to think of what to make for her friends....

Time skip....

The team where basically trapped inside the log cabin since the snow was about 5 feet. And if pidge or y/n went out there they'd probably get lost.
The team gave out their presents and y/n was amazed at what they got her. Pidge had got her a MP3 player. Hunk made her her favorite food, Keith got her a hat and glove set, Lance got her a rose, and allura got her a new dress. And coran had given her a book about stars.

Now it was her turn to give out her gifts.

"Keith I've gotten you these boxing gloves to help your anger. Lance I've found this book on how to flirt with people. Pidge of course I got you that rare type of metal you wanted. Hunk I made you ginger bread house! Matt I got you this spear. And allura and coran I got you these two tickets for the spa in town."
" Merry Chrysler!"

They all thanked her and Keith looked kinda confused on why he got boxing gloves for his anger. But next was Shiro.

"Shiro I got you the best gift you could possibly ever want. Me!" Y/n yelled jumping into his arms and giving him a sweet kiss.

"Merry Christmas." He whispered to her.


Merry CHRISTMAS! I feel like I rushed but hey I included some memes. Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

But have a great Christmas or a Awesome Hanukkah!

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