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In the morning~~~
3Rd pov

Beep! Beep! Beep!
In each of their rooms a siren went off. The red light flashing in the dark room.
The flashing probably indicating something is wrong or someone is in trouble.
Pidge, Shiro, and Keith were the first ones to get up and react to the sound and red light and got up and running into the main area where  Allura and Coran probably was. As the three get there Allura was rubbing her temple in frustration.

"Please tell me where Lance, Hunk, and Y/n are?" Allura said clearly frustrated at how slow they reacted to it.
Just as Allura was about to lecture to them Lance came out in a robe along with Hunk who was at least dressed properly. Shiro was the only one dressed in gear.
" Hey what's with that sound?" Lance said stretching out his arms.
" You five were not even in gear. What if you had to be ready to fight!? Or an intruder!?" Allura yelled. " The only one in gear is Shiro!"

"I'll go get y/n..." Shiro said sighing walking to room a little faster to avoid getting the loud lecture to the team.

While walking down the hall way he stopped at y/n's door. He opened it only to meet with a body dead asleep under the covers.
" Y/n it's time to wake up." Shiro said softly walking up to bed.
He crouched down next to the bed. He sighed and entry moved a piece of hair out of her face that had fallen when she went to sleep. He was always gentle around her Never wanting to yell at the team when she was around.
"C'mon y/n you can't sleep all day." Shiro said a tiny by louder. She just put a pillow over her head.
"Yes I can Shiro~~" y/n said before starting to fall asleep.
"I didn't want to do this y/n..." Shiro said before picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder.
"S-Shiro get some d-down!" Y/n said waking up.
"You left me no other choice." Shiro said as they walked to the room where everybody else was. They all where in gear.

Lance whistled at y/n because her behind was facing them.
Y/n and Shiro blushed and glared at him.
" I'm so going to fight you in the training area..." y/n said threatening him.
"Oh yeah what are you gonna do? Tell me mean things?" Lance said challenging her.
"Lance I've seen her fight monsters bigger than you so I would not challenge her." Shiro said backing her up. And that did the trick, he shut right up.
" Ok since now your all here I want you guys to go through the doors and it leads to the tunnel which then leads to your lions.
As they all did what she asked they all lined up outside the castle.
"Y/n I'm going to have you control this robot. And you are going to train them?" Allura said while walking y/n to this device.
She put her arms in the gloves in and the robot outside started to move. Y/n was inside the castle controlling the robot by movement.

"You five are going to train with this robot who is controlled by y/n. You will try to hit the weak spot which is on the robots neck (Attack on titan reference)." Allura said talking to the five paladins.
"Better watch out Lance~" y/n said teasing him
"U-Um can't we fight something else?!?" Lance said
" do any of you have questions on this?" Allura said
"Um yea I~~" Hunk and pidge said but was cut off by Allura said "Go!"
As y/n moved her gloved hand the robot was able to grab a true and swing at lances robot.
As the five started  to fly at the robot
Keith and pidge trying to shoot at her neck. Y/n moved her hand to cover it and was able to know down Keith.
"How are we supposed to get it if she covers it?" Pidge said confused.

"You must think of ways. Think outside the box?" Y/n said while shooting a laser at Shiro who tried to sneak attack.

As the five comminacted through the helmets and made sure Allura and y/n couldn't hear the attack plans.
"Guys maybe we can disable her arms
And it will leave the weak spot defenseless?" Pidge said coming up with the idea just before digging y/n's swing.

"Me and Keith will go for the left arm, pidge and hunk go for the right arm. And Lance try to know her off its feet." Shiro said.

As the five did what their rolls were, y/n wasn't expecting them to team up and Lance was able to know her off her feat. And Shiro was able to shoot of the robots left arm. But the right was on the weak spot.
Pidge and Hunk shot off the arm and Keith was able to shoot the button.
"Yeah! WOO HOO!" Lance cheered.
"We did it!" Pidge and hunk said.
"See the exercise was able to get you guys to work as a team." Y/n said
" you guys should head back in and train in the arena for a while." Allura said before walking to somewhere.

Y/n pov~~~

As the five left the lions in the chamber down below in the castle. We walked to the arena. I'm so challenging Lance. I mentally smirked in my head as we walked into it.
"Lets pick soaring partners yeah?" Shiro said
" I pick Lance!" I said smirking at the person who is shaking.
Pidge and Shiro parred up
Hunk and Keith parted up together.
As every one else started to train a little.
Lance was close to walking away but I grabbed him and said " where do you think your going?"
"N-no where?"
As we got in fighting stance.  He was going for my Abdomen but I quickly flipped him on his back making him groan in pain.

I started to laugh at him. Soon we both started to laugh and not train.


I'm starting to do longer chapters ☺️

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