36 part 3

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Some Spoilers of season 2

3rd pov

As Keith walked out into a empty area. Allura had landed on a planet, the good thing was that they didn't need their space helmets to breath. It didn't really resemble earth but had a few qualities. It is true that they all missed their home, families. Y/n didn't really have anyone to go back to. Keith just decided to walk out to a small balcony. When he got there he saw Shiro sitting over there calmly.
"Shiro? I thought you were in bed?"
"I needed to clear my mind. I was thinking about going to my lion and trying to make our bond stronger." Shiro said looking at Keith who went over and sat beside him.
"You should be resting your on a bad condition."
"Can you promise me something?" Shiro said
"Yeah?" Kieth said in confusion
"Promise me, that if something happens to me, you'll take care of Voltron?" Shiro said smiling slightly at the other male. Shiro always stayed calm and collected in tense situations.
"Shiro don't talk like that nothing is go-"
"You'll take care of y/n and Voltron for me?" Shiro said he trusted Kieth a lot. If anything happened to him he would want someone to protect y/n.
"Promise me."
"Shiro I promise you I'll protect them but I--" Kieth started to say but was cut off by a large battle ship. It was Zarkon.
Wait, how did they find them? They were at least a couple light years away. Keith was the first to react as he shot right up and helped Shiro up to.
"We need to go to Allura!"

Coran was gazing into the screen in front of them, it was Zarkon. Allura said that they had to get away from the planet before it was destroyed.
"Allura what is happening!" Lien and Lance yelled running in. Shiro slowly walked behind the team.
"Paladins I'm going to need you to get to your lions! Shiro I need you to stay with y/n your hurt!" Allura said as she put up the Castle's shield.
"Coran I'm going to have to Open a wormhole to get away! Paladins! Can you get off the fighter ships so they won't follow us into it?" She said while putting her hand on a glob like thing.

Shiro speed walked into a room where y/n was. But he saw her crouching on her hands and knees. He quickly got her up and picked her up bridal style. He slightly flinched in pain from the weight. He is trying to get her to his room. She was sleeping as her eyes started to close again. He opened the doors to his room and gently put her on his bed.
Shiro almost fell as the castle rocked from the hit on the force field.

Y/n pov in her dream----

"Daddy! Allura is here!" A child that looked about 14 said. That little girl looked a lot like y/n. It was y/n!
She was running outside to a large ship that contained the altea.

"Y/n!" I small allura said she was a little bit older than y/n.
Allura ran up to y/n clomping her in a big hug as A Coran and king alfor walked up.
" it's good to see you king asmo (that's your fathers name who is king)."
"As the same to you, I was hoping we could talk about some private things?" Asmo said shaking Alfor's hand.
"Y/n, Allura how bout you two go and play with the butterflies over there?"
"Yay!!!" The two screamed and ran off.

"She is gone." Asmo said with his head down. The kings were in a private room talking about a important matter.
"The queen? How?" Alfor said.
"She... She turned Evil. She Said how that she worshipped Zarkon now. She was corrupted, and as you know Zarkon had just recently betrayed Voltron."
"They must be stopped, have you told  y/n about her absence?" Alfor asked the kings didn't have a plan on how to stop the evil forces.
"And you know of her powers.
So her by his side will give him extra power."

"No, that is why is anything happens to y/n And my Kingdom i want you to use this." Asmo said holding out a a weird necklace.
"It takes the memory of the wearer and stores it till it is Activated." Asmo explained.

Y/n slowly crept around a corner to a room she heard voices with. She recognized it was her fathers voice. She was going to show him the pretty butterfly she caught. But what she heard was mother was gone! The door started to open and y/n quickly ran off silently.

At the castle in reality.-----

As allura steadied the castle through the Wormhole she could only keep open for a shorter time. The paladins had got back in the castle after taking out the nearing Galra ships. Coran was in the engine room and he quickly called up on the main rooms screen.
"Princess! There seems to be a problem with the teludav lenses! A lot of them are fracked and if we do not replace them then we won't be able to wormhole are way out." Coran said as he turned the Call off and headed to where the rest were at.
As he got there allura had a sparkle in her eyes.
"That means we should go to the swap moon! I could use something sparkly!" Allura said as Coran face held a disgusted look.
"Ugh they took me for every thing I got once! And princess you must rest. You used a lot of energy back there." Coran said.
As pidge, Lance, hunk and Keith and Coran took a pod from the castle to get to the "Mall" Shiro stayed back because he wanted to bond with the black lion.
He walked into the mouth of the lion and sat and took a steady breath. But all of a sudden the lion got up and Shot forward and into space.
"W-What are you doing?!?" Shiro yelled telling it to stop.
But it continued to fly to this... planet?
The lion stopped and just floated there.
"Huff..that's more like it."
Shiro looked up and saw A Planet, it had looked like Trees and nature took up most of it.
"What is this place buddy?"
He then thought he should try looking at it through the lions eyes.

SHIRO's pov-------

I saw flash backs of events. There were people one on the planet! But I saw a girl in her house. Y/n!?
W-wait, was this her home?!" I asked myself. This was her planet!
But as I got another flashback I saw a map a man was holding.
Wait that could be the map of her home?! I quickly saw that after you go past netuto(made up planet) and go east, and past another planet it led to y/n's!!

I quickly focused back but I was pulled back in.
What? I asked the lion. I saw another flashback but it was a different planet. I saw the black lion in it. This is his home.
I saw Zarkon near it and the lion had Wings? Sometimes hung I haven't unlocked.

"Thanks buddy, for trusting me. We should get to Allura and get her the news fast." I said as we flew to the Castle.

3rd pov-----

As Shiro ran in the Mainroom and was met with his team and a cow?
"Is that a--" Shiro started but lane cut him off
"His name is kaltenecker." Lance explained that he got it with a deal.

"Allura I found something, it could really be helpful for us." Shiro said walking to her.

"I found Y/n's planet and I found something on Zarkon...."

Okay sorry if there are mistakes. I made this chapter really long and it's probably the longest I've ever made. But I can't wait till season 3 I just finished season 2 so sorry for spoilers.

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