Sight. Such small thing. One sight in your eyes and I'm back. Back in my memories. Our? I hope. I keep them inside me. Why? Oh. I don't know.
It only hurts, but I have them. Inside me in my special place that belongs to you. Only you. Special room with red walls with swords on them, black carpets laying on the floor and one small candel in the corner.
Why swords?, somebody may ask. We fight. Against us and our demons. Day and night...
But... tonight I am alone. Fighting against our demons all alone. And I'm loosing. I am dying. And you don't care. You just stared at me and walked away.
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PoetryOtevíráme pandořinu skříňku a doufáme v zázrak... Každý máme takovou tu chvilku... Možná někdo má takový život. Za cover k oslavě 1k čtenářů děkuji talentované @Stories_by_Lucy