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Ara washed some vegetables and cut them as Taehyung sat on top of the breakfast table. His eyes were stuck on her. Every move she made, made his insides twitch. He had never felt like this before, he wondered if he was really that attracted to her. He has never had a girlfriend before, at least nothing too serious. He once "dated" a girl but they never kissed just held hands. That was two years ago, when he was 14.

He felt ashamed for a moment. The girl in front of him wasn't a girl at all, she was more like a woman. Even if she looked young and pretty outside, she was an adult now. He really wished to be older so she didn't feel pressured of hanging out with him. Yesterday and today morning when they hung out, the feeling was totally different from the ones when they hung out during week days. He was usually wearing his high school uniform and she was always nervous about it. He hated that she cared too much about what people thought.

But she was so beautiful to his eyes. He had never seen such a beauty before. He wondered if he was love struck and maybe that was the reason why he couldn't be completely mad at her. She has done things to him, she was cold towards him sometimes and he wasn't stupid, he realized but it never bothered him, it only made him want more. Hang out more, get to know her better.

Ara on the other hand felt nervous. Having Taehyung around her, on her apartment, so close to her made her heart race like crazy. She couldn't remember the last time she felt like this, it was stupid. He was so young. There was no reason for her to feel flustered like this. She couldn't like him. He was just a boy.

Shame filled her head as she tried to think about her feelings, but Taehyung's intense stare was so distractive. She hoped he didn't have feelings for her but the way he looked at her and bit his lip made her question it again. She has been in love before, she has had a crush before. That look on his face, she had it too in the past. She was a teenager before, she knew that feeling.

Ara was good at reading people, after all she was studying law. One of the requirements of being a good lawyer was being capable to tell when someone was lying or not. She glanced a couple of times and he was just staring intensely at her. She felt bad for a moment, she was trying to apply her knowledge of criminology on him. But she noticed he was hiding something. His chest was going up and down faster, his cheeks were slightly red, his lips parted as his eyes were just eyeing her every move. The fact that he was so close to her, she could feel the warmth radiating from his body. He opened his mouth to say something but she quickly turned around and took the vegetables to the stove.

"Is there a vegetable that you don't like?" Taehyung sighed deeply and shook his head. "Nope."

She chopped the pork and put it with the onions and green pepper. Taehyung's stomach started twitching when the smell went through his nostrils, he was hungry again. His eyes followed her as he put a hand on his stomach. She checked the rice on the rice cooker. Ara opened some cabinets and pulled out the plates and glasses.

"Can you set the table?" He nodded and jumped from the breakfast table, walked around the kitchen and went to the dining room. He tried his best on setting up the table and turned around to find her coming with two big bowls. He helped her and both sat on the dining room.

"You can sit there." She said pointing to the head of the table, she sat next to him. Ara felt observed the whole time as she served the food into the plates. Taehyung had his hands on his lap as he bit his lip. She wondered what he was thinking, she wondered what he wanted to say when she stopped him. But it was better this way, maybe he would have said something stupid like "I like you" and she couldn't let that happen.

"Thanks for the food." He bowed when she placed the plate full of food in front of him. "Dig in." She said smiling sweetly at him. They ate in silence. Both Taehyung's and Ara's mind were filled with thoughts that none of them wanted to say out loud. The food was delicious, Taehyung wasn't used to have meals like this one. His mother was sick all the time or working and she almost never had time to cook so he had to cook for both of them and he wasn't exactly the best cook ever.

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