f o r t y s e v e n

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taehyung walked inside the classroom. all seats were taken, the students had arrived just in time, before him. his eyes caught the glimpse of the orange-haired, staring at him. his heart unconciously skipped a beat at the sight of her. he wanted to face palm himself right in front of everyone there. he still thought the vision of ara was an hallucination and he felt stupid for just looking forward to see her every class they had.

"good morning." he said to the class.

"good morning professor kim." the class answered in unison. he walked towards his desk and organized his notebook and books and turned to look at the class. his eyes immediately glancing at the only head that was different from most, the orange one.

swallowing hard, he shook his thoughts away and cleared his throat. "so... i believe we had homework for today?"

"yes." the whole class answered. he looked at the fresh and young faces around and his eyes fell on the blonde boy who was glaring at him. "uh..." he said looking through the list of names the school board had provided to him the first day of class, weeks ago, but that morning they gave him a new one, a name had been added.

"park jimin?" he asked to the blonde, familiar now, since he would always wait for han ara or at least that's what his mind or imagination told him.

the blonde stood from his chair, eyes fixed on the teacher and fists slightly clenched. taehyung could feel he was not jimin's cup of tea but he couldn't find a good reason why. they haven't even talked to each other. "you were transferred to this class?" taehyung asked, tilting his head by then he knew all his students names but park jimin was never between them. the boy simply nodded.

"okay. welcome then... could you introduce yourself to the class?" jimin who was still glaring at the brown haired man, sighed heavily, trying to control his nerves. he was a shy boy and he hated talking in public.

"i am park jimin..." he said returning his eyes to the teacher, giving him a look as if he was asking if that was good enough for him. taehyung only smiled and nodded.

"alright park jimin... please could you pick up assignments and leave them on my desk?" taehyung asked, crossing his arms on his chest. it was amusing seeing the small boy getting worked up quietly, taehyung couldn't help but think how adorable he was.

the other students around giggled, some of them gossiped. taehyung's eyes fell on the orange-haired who was giggling as she handed to park jimin her homework. the blonde walked decidedly towards the desk once he picked up all the assignments and put them on top of it, giving a final warning-glare to taehyung. the taller just nodded in gratitude and commanded him to return to his seat.

the rest of the class was rather quiet. taehyung checked the assignements as the students did their readings. he would call their names to return their text books already graded.

"park jimin." he said. the blonde stopped reading and walked towards the desk, eyes expectant of the grade. taehyung grabbed his text book and handed it to him. "i am sure you can do better." jimin's eyes widened as he rushed to open the text book only to find a c marked in red.

park jimin was a straight a student so having a c on his record was surely an abomination. he felt his knees going weak as he tried to refute the teacher but taehyung's serious look just made him think twice his choices. Once the class ended all students left the classroom except for an upset blonde who was waiting patiently for his classmates to leave the room, and a confused orange haired that stood behind him quietly.

"professor, may i have a word with you?" jimin said, his small fists clenching at the anticipation of his actions.

"of course, what is it?" taehyung said, eyes leaving the book he was reading to meet jimin's enraged dark orbs. but taehyung's serious look softened when he noticed the small orange head next to the displeased student. he swallowed hard.

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