t w e n t y f o u r

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taehyung was embarrassed; he didn't dare to go back to the noodle's place a least not now. he had an intense moment with ara the other night and hadn't visited her restaurant since a week now. thinking about looking at her directly in the face, seemed like an impossible thing to do now, not after he asked that weird question about her remembering him.

he didn't know what got into him when he asked such a thing but he just did it and now it was too late to question his actions.

the young lawyer was on his office pondering about his actions and ara when he heard someone knocking at his door. he pulled the pen down and cleared his throat before speaking. "Yes?"

his secretary walked in and smiled. "President kim, kim seokjin is here to see you."

taehyung nodded as he remembered he had send him some homework to do. "Right. Let him in." the woman nodded and closed the door. a few seconds later, seokjin walked inside and bowed.

"President kim."

"seokjin... i hope you have good news?" the pink haired guy smiled as he walked to his desk, placing a folder in front of him.

"he accepted the deal."

taehyung smiled widely and high fived seokjin. he quickly opened the folder and checked the documents, giving a thumbs up to the eager man in front of him. seokjin always worried about his work since he was always looking for taehyung's approval. "good job as always. you just earned yourself a raise."

He widened his eyes as if he almost couldn't believe it. he didn't complain about the small fortune he earned, but having a raise was definitely something he was looking forward too, especially after being a security system engineer but have covered other fields such as taehyung's right hand and sometimes assistant and part time lawyer.

"I an deeply thankful, thank you president kim." he bowed but taehyung quickly moved his hands to stop him from doing it. seokjin was the closest thing he had to a friend. it's not that taehyung was lonely, he had friends, but not close friends. he have had them in the past, but they were gone now.

"no need. you deserve it." he flashed that squared smile. making people happy somehow made him happy too.

seokjin couldn't stop smiling, he was a guy of genuine feelings for why it was almost impossible for him to hide his feelings. taehyung knew it and he didn't care, he hired him because he's an amazing security system engineer and a great guy.

"you can leave now, i'll call you if i need anything else." he nodded and thanked him once more before going out. taehyung held the folder between his hands as he thought about ways of using this document.

he was happy that seokjin was able to settle with the client, this was definitely good news for the only person he cared right now. he grabbed his coat and made his way out of the office. the excitement he felt it was almost uncontrollable.

making his way towards the city center, once he arrived, he parked the car on his usual spot that curiously that was free too. he wondered if someone had reserved that for him since it seemed like every time he comes, it was free, as if it was waiting for him.

after stepping out of the car, he walked hesitantly towards the familiar noodle restaurant. he stood there, outside on the entrance for a few seconds. pondering about doing it or no. he wanted to come inside, to see her once more but he was embarrassed of doing it.

a few seconds later he decided and walked inside, acting cool. he spotted a free table and walked steadily towards it. soon jinyi appeared. "ajussi... what can i get you?." taehyung looked funny at the young man. this is the first time he's been called ajussi, no one called him like that because he looked like a 25 yeard old boy, but jinyi was on his 17's or maybe 18's so he was probably way too older compared to him.

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