t h i r t y s e v e n

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as soon as they walked towards the dining room joongi's phone beeped. he let go of taehyung's shoulders and pulled his phone from his pocket. a visible frown was noticeable when he read the text. he cleared his throat and looked at taehyung and then at his fiancé.

"i am sorry but i won't be able to join you two for dinner tonight. work is calling." he said pointing at his phone. ara and taehyung looked at each other, confussion all over their faces.

"joongi- taehyung started but he stopped him, moving his hands.

"no, no... please stay and eat dinner with ara, i am sure it's delicious - he said to taehyung and then looked at ara - i'll be back in a few hours." she just nodded.

he excused himself and left the room. ara and taehyung found themselves alone in the big dinning room. the maid wasn't around anymore and the silence was overwhelming. he looked down at the food and then back at the woman sitting across him. she chuckled as she took a sip of wine.

"you lost your appetite taehyung?" he tilted his head, examining her elegant moves. he felt less intimidated as soon as joongi and the maid left. they were alone and now he could just look at her as much as he wanted.

"of course not." he simply said. she smiled faking a shyly look and took a strand of orange hair behind her ear, revealling part of her collarbones again. taehyung's heart started beating faster at the view, he wanted to cool down his nerves a bit so he grabbed his glass of whiskey but just when he did that, she leaned on the table, giving him an explicit view of her cleavage. his eyes widened at the sweet view and he wanted to look away but he couldn't, it was almost as if he was bewitched by her.

she chuckled once she noticed how he couldn't keep away his eyes from her cleavage and immediately looked back. if there was any doubt about him being gay, this just cleared them up. "so why did you admitted you were gay taehyung?"

he blinked twice and looked at her, straight in the eyes. "I didn't."

she smiled and shook her head. "but you got everyone thinking you were."

"i just brought a friend with me, society is too idle... maybe they jumped into conclussions too soon." ara found it funny and couldn't help but laugh. that's not how she remembered that night. whenever the small boy, jung hoseok, wanted to reveal the nature of their relationship, taehyung would always stop him.

"that's not how i remember it." taehyung was curious now. he loved the way this ara was, new and exciting, she would speak her mind like the others, but she had this level of diplomacy that somehow turned him on.

"then how do you remember it?" he tilted his head, couldn't help but bit his lip at the view. she was flirting with him, it was obvious and he knew. she would touch her cheeks and pull strands of hair behind her ears, lean down to the table, bit her lip, stare at him intensely. he knew what she was doing and he was truly enjoying it.

"well everytime hoseok wanted to explain you weren't a couple, you would interrupt him and say otherwise... To the point where joongi still believes you two are a couple." taehyung laughed. it was funny, the whole situation but he wasn't really offended by it.

"and you called him "babe"." the smile on his lips dissapeared for a second as he swallowed hard. of course he forgot about that.

"but is it me or you're very amused of the idea of joongi believing i am gay, ara?" he tilted his head, his eyes touring her frame. she smiled and bit her lip seductively. he had changed his attitude, putting aside what she just brought up.

"why would i?" he shrugged. "i don't know... that's my question."

the air between them grew thicker. there was this certain invisible complicity between them. both were flirting and both were aware of it, but none tried to stop it. they just stared at each other for what taehyung felt ages. she wasn't answering his questions, instead she broke the eye contact and took a sip of wine.

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