t h i r t y f o u r

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"yah! get out, i am driving." taehyung scolded hoseok, the blonde sighed, a visible pout forming on his face as he stepped out of the driver's seat and walked to the other side of the car to take the passenger's seat. he really wanted to drive taehyung's black audi but he wasn't giving in.

"you should have let me drive it, it's the least you can do after tonight taehyung."

"i am taking you home tonight, that is the least i can do, don't you think? now shut up and close the door." taehyung said steadily as he waited for hoseok to close the door.

the blonde hesitantly stepped inside and slammed the door closed. he crossed his arms on his chest as soon as taehyung turned on the engine and drove away from the place. 

hoseok remained silent the whole way, clearly upset not only because he didn't let him drive his car but also because of the hell night taehyung put him through. the black haired noticed his discomfort and swallowed hard.

"yah... you know i was kidding right? i'll let you drive my car next time-

"next time? ahh really? are you crazy? there's not going to be next time man, my honor, my pride ahh seriously, people is going to misurderstand our relationship-

"yah! what's wrong with being gay? are you seriously that hurt? that's not an insult you know?-

"are we gay? is that what are you saying? ahh i can't believe it, are you trying to kill me? are you even human?" hoseok asked, his eyes widened, taehyung turned to look at him, they both remained silent for a couple of seconds before both burst in laughter.

"aigoo... you're definitely trying to kill me, aishh... you know i won't mind it at all just why you didn't tell me about the double-date dinner thing? i am your friend, you can trust me man." hoseok word's were true and taehyung knew. it was his mistake, he didn't informed his friend the reason behind the free dinner, as hoseok liked to called it.

taehyung sighed, quickly looking down. "you're right, i should have... and i am sorry." he knew the best way to solve the situation was just simply apologize to his friend. hoseok's friendship was too important for taehyung and he didn't want to have conflicts with his friend. 

"i was careless and joongi caught me out of guard, i was going to decline the invitation but you know i don't like to do that to clients, i am really sorry." taehyung apologized, hoseok's lips turned into a big wide smile as he hit taehyung's arm playfully.

"ahh you know? i can't be mad at you, seriously... even if i try, you pay my salary, that's why." he said looking through the window but a few seconds later they looked at each other and burst in laughter again.

"no but seriously... suna would have been a good partner you know? she's in love with you anyways."

"yah... why are you exposing your little sister like that? that's not nice." 

"tsk. why not? she's pretty you know? like her older brother. why don't you date her? i would give you my blessing, she's 26 and old enough to get married also she's knows how to cook-

"hoseok." taehyung glanced at him. he knew hoseok always loved the idea of him dating his sister and it was true, jung suna was pretty, smart, decent and sweet but she wasn't ara.

hoseok shut up and sighed. "okay... well i guess you'll realize it when it's too late." he said and both remained silent. 

a few seconds later hoseok jumped on his seat. "but why? there's nothing wrong with suna-

"yah! there's nothing wrong with your sister, it's me." hoseok narrowed his eyes, looking at taehyung, trying to figure out what could be possibly wrong about him. he's been knowing taehyung for years now and he thought it was a perfect guy for suna.

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