t h i r t y e i g h t

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that night taehyung had trouble sleeping. she had kissed him and he had let her. ara was his most important client's fiancé and he knew it was wrong but he was too weak to stop it from the start. he rolled on his bead side to side, wondering if this would affect his relationship with joongi, but deep inside he knew, he didn't care that much. he genuinely cared more about her.

he wondered how she was and if this affected her the same way? he even wondered if maybe she had developed feelings for him in such a short time? 

either way he expected both questions had a positive answer because that was what his heart really wanted.

the night was long and even if he had trouble sleeping after all that thinking, his eyes closed and he had at least 1 or 2 hours of sleep. he woke up at the sound of his phone vibrating against the cold metal of his nightstand. he opened his eyes and sigh in relief. the morning had come and he could now get out of bed and mind his own business and keep his mind entertained with work. 

after a long shower and a cup of coffee, he did his way downstairs, following his usual morning routine. once he reached the building's lobby, he noticed how the janitor's face looked worried as he walked towards the green eyed man. "president kim... uhh... your car- he didn't finish his sentence.

taehyung's eyes widened in surprise as he followed the janitor towards the parking lot, nervousness growing as he approached the usual place where he parked. he stopped on his tracks, hand to mouth, eyes wide in shock when he saw the scene right in front of him. his black audi had been vandalized with red painting all over the place. taehyung took a deep breath of air as he approached the car.

"president kim... i have no idea what happened, i arrived this morning and i was doing the usual check up and found this." the janitor said as he followed taehyung around.

"your time is near, they will know." taehyung mumbled the a few of the words that had been vandalized on his car.

"ahh really... i don't get why someone would do this to you, you're such an honorable man- the man ran a hand through his silver hair. taehyung remained silent next to him. 

"i think you should call the police president kim, just in case-

"please call only the cctv technician and tell him i need to see the recordings from yesterday night to this morning." the janitor nodded eagerly.

"of course, right away. do you want me to call a driver for you?" taehyung shook his head. he knew already how he was going to get his ride to work today. the man bowed and disappeared through the parking lot's door near the elevators.

taehyung sighed and pulled out his phone, he pressed the name and waited. after the second beep the cheerful voice answered.

"ahh president kim... to what do i owe you the honor of your call this early in the morning?"

"i need a driver."

what happened to your car?

"it's a long story, get your ass here hoseok."

"alright alrighty, on my way."

after that, taehyung hung up and sighed at the view of his damaged audi. his mind working in all directions, wondering who could have done this. he feared that it was related to the previous threats he had received. taehyung again went through his contacts and called for the car's company this time as he waited for hoseok to arrive. he wanted to change this car for a new one with even a new plate.

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