f i f t e e n

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"Excuse me..." He said to the nurse. She turned around and smiled tenderly at him.

"Yes? Do you need anything else?" Taehyung scratched the back of his head. He noticed how the nurse was looking at him from head to toe. He wondered if he looked that different in normal clothes since they've been seeing him on medical gowns since he arrived this place.

"I need to know the names of the people who have been around here... uhh..." He didn't know what to say anymore. Fortunately the nurse understood and nodded.

"Of course. Give me a minute." She went behind the counter and looked for something in a big book.

"Park Eunrae #0987654321 and Kim Jongdae #0123456789." Taehyung grabbed a pamphlet that was close to him that offered the services of the clinic and a pen that was behind the nurse's counter and wrote down the names and phone numbers of the people.

"Thank you." He bowed and did his way out of the clinic.


"Eunrae." He whispered the name as he tried to remember from where it was so familiar. Soon Dr. Kim's words flashed on his mind. Also a girl... I believe it was her friend something like Eunjae o Eunrae... I can't remember but I know the last name is Park. You can ask the nurse, she'll tell you.

A pair of brown eyes and light brown hair flashed on his mind as he remembered the girl who hung around his noona years back when she was in the university. That Eunrae.

He looked down at the pamphlet with the numbers and thought of calling her but then he changed his mind. He walked out of the clinic and felt lost for a second but as soon as he saw the McDonald's familiar yellow M on the distance he knew where he was. He used to eat a lot in that McDonald's when he was in high school since his mother almost never cooked.

A wave of sadness filled his heart as he remembered again that his mother was now gone. Apparently he was having a hard time believing what the doctor and nurses said to him when he woke up. He walked through the familiar yet unfamiliar streets. He was sure he had been here plenty times but somehow everything seemed different now, as if he was walking those streets for the first time.

He spotted the familiar subway station and did his way downstairs. He pulled out his card but realized it had expired and sighed. Looking inside his wallet realized he had some money and thanked god and Ara, since probably, she had put those wons in there since he never had money with him.

He bought a new card and did his way to the stop. He waited there in the middle of the people. He sighed and he looked down. The familiar grey tiles on the floor somehow flashed memories of when he was a high school student and used to take that train every day.

When the train's doors opened he hesitantly stepped inside and took his usual spot near the doors as he held onto the metallic rail. He looked around and noticed some people staring at his feet. He was still wearing the clinic's flip flops. He just sighed.

His eyes automatically went to the spot that was taken two years ago by a lovely girl with a red-orange pony tail. He smiled tenderly at the thought of the first time he saw her but soon these memories were clouded with a sad memory.

She was gone

He tried not to cry in the middle of the train since there were a lot of people, he didn't really care if they see him crying, he just didn't want to disturb them with his problems.

A few minutes later the lady on the speaker announced that they've reached their destiny. Taehyung walked out of the train and did his way out of the station, to the surface. The coldish air hit his face. The now familiar smell of the streets, like food and alcohol. The noisy people around, the music. Everything was highly familiar now. He walked down the street and walked and walked for minutes until he noticed the familiar entrance of his neighborhood.

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