t h i r t y n i n e

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"i am here to tell you the truth about my fiancé." the words left her lips as soon as they were left alone. she hadn't planned it, it just happened.

that morning she woke up in tears after eavesdropping on her fiancé a few nights ago. she accidentally had listened to a private conversation between her fiancé and his footman.

"what?" taehyung asked when he noticed the pink leaving her cheeks. her lashes fluttered in a second and he knew she was about to faint. "ara-!" he took a big stride towards her and held her between his arms, concern all over his face. 

he examined her delicate features, her face was beautiful but right then, it looked tired. her eyes were puffy, taehyung knew she had been crying. without saying anything, he helped her to the nearest couch. after he placed her there, he rushed to get her a glass of water.

after she drank it, taehyung touched her forehead, just to check if she was alright. but ara had temperature. "are you okay?" his husky, deep voice made her turn to look at him. her brown orbs met his greens and for a moment she felt her hands trembling. she couldn't talk, it was physically impossible, so she just nodded instead.

"alright..." he said taking a seat next to her and grabbing the glass of water from her delicate but trembling hands and putting it on the coffee table in front of them. the office was silent. taehyung didn't want to overwhelm her but he needed to know the reason behind all this.

"ara?" he called her name as sweet as he could, trying not to scare her more than she already looked. she blinked twice, as if she's been awakened from a trance. Her brown orbs met taehyung's greens. he swallowed hard anticipating his question.

"what is it that you have to say about joongi?" his voice, low, almost as if he was whispering, trying not to exalt the fragile creature before him. her glassy eyes wouldn't leave taehyung's worried eyes.

"he... he hired a group of men to... bribe him-himself and his o-own father." her voice cracked, eyes widened as she couldn't believe the words that left her mouth. she thought she wouldn't be able to voice it out. she was too afraid and taehyung noticed.

"what? that... doesn't make any sense ara..."

it was true. it didn't make any sense on taehyung's mind. why would someone bribe himself? at least that was his first immediate thought but as a second passed by, his mind began to work in different directions and finally he thought the worst.

ara remained silent next to him, confused over the green-eyed man's behavior. "taehyung?" her sweet voice echoed inside the big and cold office. taehyung turned to look at her, as if he had discovered an awful truth.

"unless..." he started but shut his mouth as soon as he realized the depths of the situation but ara wasn't stupid. even before she found out about everything, even before she came running there, she knew the reason behind.

"are you debating the reason? isn't it obvious? he wants his father's company now, he wants money. that is the only thing he cares about." ara's harsh but truthful words made taehyung realize his suspicions were true. what affected him the most, was the fact that at some point he thought joongi was a fine man, sure he had methods taehyung didn't approve but still, he always thought he was a honest man.

he closed his eyes, shaking his head. it was more than clear now. the reason behind all those problems and why he called taehyung to solve them, it was because he became close to taehyung and maybe he did it as a way to control him in every situation just so it could turn out the way he wanted.

"i am sorry... i know you like him. but... he's not to trust." ara said looking down at her hands, checking her engagement ring, wondering the trick behind it. 

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