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"park jimin!" she exclaimed, giggling. taehyung looked at her and rolled his eyes. he couldn't understand why she would get so excited over seeing the boy, she would see him everyday at school either way. he took a step back and sighed once the boy approached them.

he was short of breath and smiled at ara but then glared at taehyung. "listen, where were you? i told you to wait for me-

"ah... yeah but listen jimin-... i had to come home quickly, my mom called me to come back." she said looking at both jimin and then at taehyung. "but professor kim walked me home, so don't worry." it was obvious she couldn't contain her happiness. it was also obvious she had lie to both taehyung and jimin right now.

jimin glared at the professor once more and took a step towards han ara. "fine... i'll walk you home since i am here now."

"because we live in the same street." jimin justified himself, looking at the professor defiantly. taehyung contained his desire to laugh since the blonde looked like a enraged kitten.

instead he just stared at both students and just smiled. "okay... i'll be going then... kids be careful on your way back." he said nodding and turning around, walking away from the pair. cursing under his breath as he walked faster away from them.

ara almost opened her mouth to stop the professor but jimin grabbed her forearm and dragged her along. "yah... we're late. let's go." he simply said, turning around glancing one more at the professor but he was far already.

"fine." she complied against her will, pouting as she walked alongside jimin towards her house street.

that sunday, after a stresful and long week taehyung decided to go out. he wasn't a fan of going out on weekends or any day of the week for the matter. the years had turned him cold and apathetic, he had lost interest in little things somehow, not even food really filled him up.  

he bought a bottle of soju and some snacks on his way to the harbor. he thought maybe getting some fresh air would make him feel better.

taehyung was never a fan of nature, he was always in offices or at least spent time in them for more than half of his life. but now that he retired from all that life to start a new one, as a simple literature professor, he thought maybe he would give a chance to different scenarios on his life, just as enjoying nature and outdoor spaces.

he looked at the view in front of him. that sunday beach wasn't really crowded, there were only a few families and couples scattered around. he walked towards the sand and removed his shoes as he did his way towards the shore. once he reached a considerable distance from the waves, he sat down and opened his bag, took out the soju bottle and opened it. 

with all the thinking about going out or not, he had forgotten to bring a glass so he shrugged, grabbing the bottle of soju, he drank directly from it. he swallowed the hard liquor and looked at the waves in front of him.

the sky was clear and pretty and the weather was nice and fresh. but still he couldn't help but feel a bit melacholic, thinking about the colors in the sky. the mix of warm colors always brought him memories of han ara's hair, the orange-yellowish tones she had were somehow unique. he had seen plenty red-haired women before, but none had the same as her. she was unique.

it was hard for taehyung to not see her again in every corner, in every place. han ara walking again into his life like she did, surely brought him memories from the past and he found himself seeing her in all the faces and all the stuff that surrounded him. 

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