t h i r t y f i v e

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"it's me, jeon jungkook, do you remember me?" his dark brown hair was combed perfectly, he smelled like expensive perfume. his black suit was perfect tailored. he just stood there confidently, looking at taehyung.

"yes i do... jungkook, of course." taehyung said smilling awkwardly. he remembered jeon jansook said his grandson would be in the company around sometimes, but taehyung didn't imagine that statement included his office too. 

"this is jung hoseok, one of our best lawyers." the black haired guy pointed at the blonde one who just quickly stood and shook hands with jungkook. 

"nice to meet you hoseok, i am jeon jungkook." he said respectfully. "it's a pleasure." he added.

"the pleasure is mine."

"jungkook is jeon jansook's grandson." taehyung said as his eyes traveled from hoseok and back to jungkook. he already wondered the reason why jungkook would come to his office. 

"ahh your grandfather is an amazing lawyer jungkook." jungkook just bowed politely with a sweet smile.

taehyung cleared his throat as he looked at hoseok, the blonde quickly understood the sign. "i... i'll get going, i have plenty work to do, it was nice meeting you." he said as he walked towards the door smiling.

"right, same hoseok." he simply replied. once he closed the door, jungkook slowly turned around and smiled at taehyung. "may i take a seat?" taehyung just nodded.

the brown haired guy sat gracefully in one of the chairs across taehyung's desk. after he sat comfortably he just moved on his seat as he toured the room with his eyes. 

taehyung cleared his throat. "may i help you jungkook?" he was dying to know the reason behind jungkook's sudden visit. his senses were sharp and he knew something was going on, he could feel it on his guts.

the other just smirked and nodded. "sure... i am just going to go straight to the point taehyung. my grandfather is retiring and i am assuming his position." he tilted his head carelessly as he stared straight into taehyung's green eyes.

the black haired frowned, not sure of following the youngest. "uh- what?" jungkook chuckled and then sat straight, entwined his hands close to his lips. 

"uh how should i say this... my grandfather can not longer work in this company, so he's resigning and i am taking his position from this day." he said smiling as he handed taehyung a folder.

"here's the signed document." he pushed the white folder towards taehyung's direction. the ceo couldn't get out of the shock. he was still incredulous.

"did something happen to your grandfather?" jeon jansook wasn't exactly taehyung's favorite person in the entire world, but he was friends with him at some point and he was genuinely worried.

jungkook only shook his head. "no, god forbid... he's okay, just... feeling a bit tired." he added with a calmed voice. taehyung sighed and opened the folder to check the paperwork, it was all in order. 

"do you realize the position your grandfather had-

"yes, i am ready taehyung... i'll work hard." he interrupted him almost shutting taehyung up. the ceo sighed, his hands entwined on top of the desk. not sure of this situation, he suspected jungkook was going to be a handful. 

taehyung just stared at him for a couple of seconds. it was useless trying to find a way to make him resign too or change his mind, it was perfectly legal what they were doing. "alright jungkook... welcome to the firm again, i guess."

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