f o r t y e i g h t

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"that would be all for today, remember bring your text books next class." taehyung said as the students prepared to leave the classroom. the bell have rung and it was the last period of that day. he was both stressed and relieved that the school day was over. "yes professor kim." they all answered in unison as they walked out of the classroom.

taehyung stayed behind as usual, just collecting his stuff but as his eyes were focused on the items on top of his desk, his peripherical vision caught something unusual moving in front of him. a familiar umbrella accompanied by a green apple were placed softly on top of his desk. he stood straight and his eyes landed on a orange-haired girl who was looking at him shyly. 

"professor kim... i just, i wanted to return the umbrella to you." she said with her usual sweet voice, bowing to him. his heart immediately raced at the cute view. he noticed the green apple next to it, raising an eyebrow he grabbed it between his hands to check the bright color.

"ahh the apple, right... well you'll see... it's just, that's what students do in movies, they give apples to their teachers." she said shyly, taking a strand of her orange hair behind her ear. taehyung couldn't help but smile at the sweet words. despite being a trivial act it still made his heart ache and fill with joy at the same time.

"i really like apples, thanks miss han ara." he stopped after pronouncing her name for the first time, in so many years. his heart skipped a beat when his lips conveyed with what his tongue wanted to say. 

the girl immediately blushed after hearing her name coming out from her professor's mouth, especially with that deep and husky voice he had and that she was sure melted people's hearts, she knew, because it had the same effect on her.

"ah that's cute."

"what was that professor?" he mumbled something ara couldn't get.

"i said you should keep the umbrella, it seems you need it more than i do." taehyung quickly corrected his phrase. the girl's eyes widened in shock.

"oh n-no... i couldn't-

"i insist. i have plenty back home." taehyung raised his hands as if he was finishing the conversation. the girl's cheeks turned into a bright red as she just bowed in thanks.

"thank you." she said bowing.

she grabbed the umbrella, leaving only the green apple on his desk, glanced at him one more time and finally did her way out of the classroom between a mute giggle. she didn't want the professor to find out he had an effect on her. she didn't know what it was but every time he would talk to her, do something for her or just when their eyes met for an instant, she would feel her heart racing, her ears would turn hot and she would suddenly feel all flustered around him.

taehyung collected his stuff from the teacher's building and did his way out of the school. thankfully it wasn't raining in that moment because otherwise he would have been caught up in the middle of the rain, he didn't have any other umbrella after all. 

rushing through the streets he finally arrived to the nearest subway station. he got inside the usual wagon he took everyday and finally sat comfortably on the seat that was close to the exit. the wagon was slightly crowded, maybe because it was a rush hour, but once the doors closed he noticed a bustle of curses followed by movements, a few feet from him.

his eyes landed on an orange-haired who was regretting getting caught inside the wagon. it looked like she was about to come out when the doors closed. she turned around slowly, cheeks blushed, and her eyes met his.

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