f o r t y o n e

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taehyung narrowed his eyes, paying extra attention to the details. he couldn't listen the voice on the other line but judging by her reaction when she read the name on the screen, he imagined it was joongi.

"nowhere especial- she stopped talking when the person on the other line started yelling. it was a masculine voice, taehyung was now completely sure it was him since his voice was audible even from there.

he noticed how she got nervous immediately, she glanced for a second at taehyung but quickly looked away. "honey, i am just at my parents."

taehyung remained silent, next to her, paying attention to her facial expressions. by now he noticed how whenever she told a lie, her lower lip would tremble slightly and she would frown. "no...joongi-

"what?" her face changed. an expression of pure horror appeared on her delicate face, her cheeks paled at the words the man just spoke to her on the phone. taehyung noticed how her hands began to tremble as her lips followed the action too.

suddenly the line went off and her phone dropped from her hand to her lap. taehyung called her name, but she couldn't hear it. in fact, she couldn't hear anything, it was as if her head had been pulled under water. the familiar headache appeared once again. she closed her eyes, grimacing in pain, hands on her temples. "you need to leave." she mumbled.

taehyung frowned as he approached her, grabbing her by the shoulders. "why?"

she shook her head. she feared for him. "he's on his way here." the green eyes widened upon hearing the words leaving her mouth. "how? you told him you were at your parents- but he stopped midsentence when he noticed her face falling.

she sighed, a heavy sigh and looked away, ashamed. "he... had a gps on me and i didn't know." taehyung's grip on her shoulders softened, eventually vanishing. his eyes widened at the thought of getting caught with her right there. it will certainly ruin their plans to bring down joongi in court.

he stood and walked around, slowly as he tried to think about an idea. "what are you doing? didn't you hear me? get out!" she followed him, shaking his arms but taehyung was lost in thought.

she groaned in frustration, walking around the room, trying to collect taehyung's items. his shoes, his shirt, his pants. "taehyung!" her yell awakened taehyung from his trance. he turned to look at her, green eyes widened, lips slightly opened.

"you need to leave." she emphasized the words, shoving his clothes towards him. "now" she exclaimed, eyes almost filling with tears.

she hated it.

she hated the fact that she had to kick taehyung this way. she would never do that under another circumstances but she knew her fiancé very well and she knew what he was capable of if he finds out taehyung was there with her. but what she hated the most was the desire she had to cry and that only made her hate herself because she thought it was just a sign of weakness.

pushing taehyung towards the door, he hurried to put on at least his pants and shoes. just when she was opening the door, he stopped and turned around. "will i see you again?" his chest going up and down faster. he thought he must sound like a teenager after asking that but he couldn't help himself, especially in the middle of this tragic situation, he knew how absurd he sounded but he couldn't care less.

even under the pressure of the whole situation, probably minutes or seconds away to be caught, she just chuckled and lifted her hands, looking for his black locks, trying to comb them or at least tame his tousled hair, as softly as she could. "you're mine now, and i am yours now. of course you'll see me again." she whispered, her voice sweet just as her essence, filled taehyung's ears. he couldn't help but sigh in relief as he leaned towards her to give her a sweet peck on the lips.

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