t w e n t y o n e

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"and i'll protect you from now own." those words made ara's heart pound like crazy. she has never had someone who swore to protect her like taehyung just did but somehow she felt this was all wrong. she shook her head and walked away. she didn't know the boy's intentions.

"No, no... i can't." she said. taehyung frowned and walked towards her. "what are you saying?" somehow the tone of his voice was offended.

"i can't afford it." taehyung's eyes widened in surprise as he released a long and loud chuckle, he couldn't believe the woman's words. she looked at him confused with her arms crossed nervously on her chest.

"you think i am charging you for this?" she nodded innocently. he smiled with his whole face now, showing that signature squared smile of this. he didn't know how to explain it to the woman so he just went straight to the point. 

"Ahh ajumma... you got me worried for a second... listen, my fees are free to you." ara couldn't understand how someone would work for free. she's been working for over 30 years and no one ever offered to work for free. taehyung waited patiently as the woman tried to understand the reason behind his reckless actions but even if she didn't know him that well, it was hard to imagine any scenario where taehyung was mean or was just playing with her. 

"free to me?" she was confused, no one has ever talk to her like this. taehyung put his hands on his pockets and shrugged. he didn't want to scare away the woman, he was only trying to be nice and he needed to help her. 

"i know the ceo." he joked as he displayed a show of affection and complicity by winking at her. ara soon remembered that he mentioned previously that he owned a law firm and that's why the ceo joke now made sense. she really didn't believe him in that moment but everything seemed to be real now.

"either way, i don't think it's correct-

"Aish ajumma! I don't need your money." he said with a reassuring smile. taehyung knew that this was a problem that was better solved in the court otherwise this man will be bullying her for eternity, he also knew that other lawyers will charge a big amount for such a stupid thing and he wholeheartedly wanted to help her and getting money in return wasn't really something he expected nor needed. she looked around nervously and finally nodded. "Then you can always come to eat here, for free."

but taehyung just laughed. he profoundly appreciated her will to help him or just give him something in return, he thought she really was really generous like his han ara. "I like that, thanks." he bowed slightly to the woman. she smiled fondly as she narrowed her eyes thinking about how good taehyung was by offering to do such a thing for her and getting nothing in return. but there was something inside taehyung's dark eyes, a sparkle and she noticed.

"so... what do you need to put the case together?" ara asked with a shy voice. taehyung narrowed his eyes as if he was thinking too hard.

"This is going to be hard because we have a double sue." her eyes widened, thinking about all the trouble Taehyung was going through because of her, but taehyung just said this because he wanted to spend more time with her, he was just trying to not sound too obvious.

"No, listen- you don't need to do this!" the blonde's lips turned into a smirk.

"ajumma... don't worry please." he said with a reassuring tone.

"Fine. So what do you need?"

"anything you have that can prove you paid on time." ara nodded remembering all the receipts she had kept, signed by the man himself, kang dongmin.

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