t w e n t y e i g h t

245 27 11


hearing the cars rushing, the claxons echoing inside every corner of his small but luxurious apartment, people talking in a foreign language, it was too early to listen people talking in french, his brain couldn't process the words correctly at that time of the day, not without having his coffee first.

he opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling on top of his head. a heavy sigh left his lungs as he sat straight and put his bare feet on the cold ground. he looked towards the narrowed window and noticed how the sun was already not so bright outside.

walking towards the bathroom he realized his clothes were scattered around, memories from last night flashed on his mind as he felt the sickness growing on his belly.

he had arrived really late in the night, tripping with everything on his way, straight to the bathroom to take a bath, that's why his clothes were mostly on the floor right now.

the thought of having another shower gave him goosebumps, he thought the water must be really cold, but he sighed and stripped from his clothes and walked inside the shower once again.

after showering and washing himself he walked to his wardrobe and picked a white turtleneck, dark brown pants and a dark chocolate long coat that combined perfectly with his dark chocolate boots.

he stared at himself in the mirror. the tired face on the reflection stared at him blankly. he tried to comb his blonde locks but it was useless, that day was a bad hair day and he didn't intend to change it otherwise.

his stomach was grumbling but he didn't want to eat anything, he wasn't hungry so he just grabbed his keys, wallet and phone and did his way outside of the small building.

once the cold breeze brushed his cheeks he sighed. somehow winter there was different than back home. after being there for so long he kind of missed being in korea now.

he ordered a black coffee and started walking down street. he knew these streets by heart now, especially after living there for 5 years.

he reached the park and found an empty bench, looking around he sat slowly and drank his coffee in peace. in the distance the eiffel tower was a familiar view now, he never got tired of looking at it when he first arrived, and even if he admitted it was something spectacular, now after 5 years, he was used to it and somehow it had lost its magical touch. but everything had.

after leaving korea, he thought going somewhere else, visiting new places would bring him new and good memories, he thought his bad experiences and the sadness he was carrying would probably be washed away but it was all fictional.

the sadness was still there, he could feel it every day, as soon as he wakes up the sadness would be the first thing to greet him.

he took another sip and sighed. looking the people passing by was one of the things he would do every day. he would wake up, grab a coffee an come here just to watch people, sometimes he counted them until he reached 700 or 900 on a normal day, mostly tourists but they counted too.

he was on his 320th person when suddenly his phone beeped. he put the coffee down and reached for his phone on the pocket of his coat.

rolling his eyes he answered the call.


"ah yes president kim, how are you? i assume it's morning in paris am i right?"


"oh okay...you know i don't like to bother you but... there has been a problem with the firm lately..." 

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