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The next days were really busy around the restaurant as usual. On weekdays they had plenty of work since it was located in the heart of the city, around it were a lot of businesses and people would usually eat around in the area.

It was Thursday when she saw him again. She immediately remembered the boy from a few days ago, when he was outside in the middle of rain, with lost eyes. She had helped him, gave him a dry towel and a bowl of warm noodles. She thought she had done well in helping him, and maybe the reason why he returned is because he found the noodles soothing for his taste.

"Yah get that order." She ordered to Jinyi, the waiter. He nodded and rushed to get his order. She was constantly around the restaurant, sometimes she helped Woonki with the cooking but she mainly managed the cashier and supervised everything.

The blonde was just sitting there, quietly with his eyes stuck on his phone. She couldn't help but look at him. She wondered what was going on with him. That was the second time she's seeing him and he had that same lost look on his eyes and that sad expression on his face.

A few minutes later, Jinyi brought him a cup of noodles and an apple juice. He started eating quietly as he looked around the restaurant. Suddenly his eyes met hers and she quickly looked away to the clients that were waiting to pay their meals.

This happened the next day, and the next one and that kept going on for a week. She looked around and noticed how everyone usually came accompanied, with friends or a partner. But this guy always came alone.

"Yah there's no kimchi left!" Woonki's voice was heard from the kitchen. It had been a long day indeed, tons of clients had come and go during the day, and kimchi was one of the things that clients ordered the most so it was only natural to run out of kimchi at 9:00 p.m.

"It's okay. I am closing anyways." She said checking her clock. The restaurant never had a specific time to close, sometimes they had plenty clients and if they had enough food, they would remain open until 11 p.m. But today even though lots of clients visited, they had run out of kimchi and vegetables, so this was enough reason for them to close early.

She walked to the door and just when she was about to close it, a hand appeared out of nowhere and got stuck between the door, preventing her from closing. She heard the ouch coming from the other side and quickly rushed to open the door.

"Oh my god" She exclaimed trying to help the young man that was now grimacing in pain. "Are you okay?" She asked as she held his hand. The area that received the blow was reddened.

"I am sorry, it was my fault!" She said helping him inside the restaurant. "But you should be more careful, I could have- She stopped talking when her eyes met his. It was the same wet guy that was under the rain last week and that has been coming nonstop since last week. 

"You?" She asked surprised. His face wasn't in pain anymore, instead he was just staring at her. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat.

"Yeah, i am sorry... I – I didn't pay too much attention, it was my fault." He bowed and looked at her shyly. She frowned as she placed her hands on her waist.

She wondered if he was a tramp but today he looked well dressed, with a pair of black tight jeans, a white sweater and a black leather jacket. His blonde hair was a bit tousled, she thought it was maybe because of the night air.

"Does it hurt?" He widened his eyes, thinking if maybe she could see right through him. He wanted to say yes, that his chest hurt because of the uncertainty. He wanted to ask her name, he needed to know if it was her.

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