e p i l o g u e

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"i am not happy."

the words hit taehyung like a truck. it was something he imagined but never thought she would admit so openly. her small frame was trembling in front of taehyung, eyes filled with tears and regret.

"what?" he asked just to make sure his ears had listened correctly. ara looked down ashamed. "i should have listened to you... we should have ran away-

"ara..." he called her name with a sweet yet steady voice. she looked up at him, their eyes melting for a moment. "you know?... it's never too late." 

out of nowhere she started crying one more time. the thought of running away with him was somehow like a balm. it made her picture a better life, free and careless, away from lee joongi. but she feared what might happen to her family and she also knew joongi will haunt them so they'll probably never be able to be happy together.

"it is for us."

"stop it! don't say that... we will be happy, trust me." taehyung expressed positively, kissing her lips, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him. he was never a needy man but in that moment he needed her. she was the only thing he desired and he's been waiting for that moment since forever. there won't be any other chance but that one.

ara returned the kiss almost immediately, she was weak when it came to kim taehyung, he might be her remedy but he was also her weakness. she lifted her arms, wrapping them around taehyung's neck as she tried to keep balance on her tiptoes.

he noticed the struggle of her keeping up with his height and rhythm so he led her towards the bed, pushing her softly towards the soft surface of the sheets, hovering over her, supporting his own weight on his arms at each side of her face. he just stared at her for a couple of seconds, thinking how beautiful she was. he felt her arms bringing his face close to her. her soft lips looking for his.

the kiss was bittersweet. it was comfortable enough because it came from ara's lips and it had a sweet taste but taehyung felt there was some kind of melancholic feeling behind it all. it felt as if she was trying almost to say goodbye. he hated the thought of it so he pushed his dark feelings away and just returned the kiss hungrily, he couldn't care less if she thought he was being needy because he actually was, he needed her.

his hands roamed free down her body, almost ripping her clothes, he just wanted to take them off and to kiss every inch of her skin. she wouldn't complain about it though, deep inside she was dying to have taehyung's lips all over her body and every time he would kiss her, the skin his lips touched, would burn and it was impossible for her to remain quiet, her own lips would release soft moans that somehow seemed like music for taehyung's ears.

even if that night, previously they had touched a sad topic, a topic that made him feel uneasy somehow, taehyung pushed it away. he pushed away all the sad feelings and just focused on her. even if that night he lost himself to her, and she lost herself to taehyung's lips and strong hands, the feeling of uncertainty hit both of them the next morning

but just as taehyung's bad feeling the night before, all his fears became reality that next morning, when being in bed, a mess of tangled sheets and legs, a violent knock on the door, awakened both of them. 

ara quickly sat up as she turned to look at taehyung with widened eyes. worriness all over her expression, but her face changed when she heard the voice calling her name. taehyung swallowed hard as he walked carefully towards the door but stopped when he heard her voice.

"taehyung!" she whispered-screamed his name, panic covering her face. her once flushed cheeks from the previous night, during the intimate moments she shared with taehyung, paled at the anticipation of the person behind the door.

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