t w e n t y s e v e n

255 30 21


"149 years old." he said as he stared at her, waiting eagerly for her reaction. it worried him to know what she would think about him now that he confessed these things to her.

but she only looked away and sighed, her eyes clearly surprised and confused. a visible soft frown on her face was an indicator that she was still incredulous.

he smiled sweetly at the image before him. "you don't believe me."

"excuse me but... what's your secret? i mean... i am 56 years old and look at me." taehyung laughed and shook his head. he couldn't believe she was making a joke right in that moment, that was something new to him.

"yeah i've looked at you plenty times." he said tilting his head. she soon felt her cheeks temperature changing, soon she knew she was blushing right before him.

"and you're incredibly beautiful do ara."

"Taehyung... please... - she said smiling awkwardly – you don't expect me to believe this story right?" she asked not even sure of what she believed anymore.

"i really wish you could believe me... i know it's hard though. it's okay." he said then looking down at his hands holding the empty cup of hot chocolate.

"if it's true... how could that be possible?" even if a part of her refused to believe taehyung's story, another part of her wanted to know more about it since the way he told it, seemed almost as if it was too real.

"it's a long story. 130 years of history to be honest... but, something incredible happened in the past, since then... i haven't been able to age a day."


the blonde shrugged. "i have no idea."

she looked at some vague point near the bushes, thinking about taehyung's revelation. "how can i believe you?"

she felt taehyung's chuckle next to her. "you don't have to. i just wanted to tell you the truth whether would you believe it or not."

ara remained silent as she tried to give some sense to all this. "it's a lonely life you know?" she turned to look at him. his eyes were fixed in some point near the empty playground. she soon remembered he said this when she met him.

"being alive for so long... it gets pretty lonely."

"why is that?" 

"all the ones you know... end up dying eventually and you just keep burying family and friends, like there's no tomorrow." he sighed throwing the empty plastic cup to the trash bin next to him.

ara thought about what he just said and there were some truth in those words. She put on the shoes, hypothetically if that was the case, and it would be a lonely life. but this whole story still seemed a bit fictional, it was hard to believe that someone who looked on his 20's or 30's would have 149 years old.

"sounds like a lonely life, true." she added, feeling sympathetically sad for him. even if she couldn't fully believe his words, there was something in his eyes that saddened her mood.

"i couldn't attend my mom's funeral." he said after a couple of seconds. ara turned to look at him. "not even my girlfriend's." her eyes widened at the sudden revelation. she couldn't imagine how someone would miss their own mother's funeral, or girlfriend's. but above all she wondered how sad his life must have been if he lost those two people who were clearly important to him. 

she wanted to ask why, she was dying to ask why but just when she was about to open her mouth, he pulled out a shiny thing from the necklace of his sweater. ara blinked twice, her eyes fixed on the sparkly thing between his hands.

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