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The room was so cold her legs and arms were trembling even if she had his coat on. It had a familiar smell now, it smelled exactly like him and that made her feel more calmed. It had been a while now, maybe too long. She worried to the point she couldn't even think straight. Her head was in pain and she was confused.

"Miss?" Ara heard a deep voice calling her name. She had fallen asleep without even noticing. Her phone in her hands, her bag, Taehyung's coat that a nurse returned around an hour ago. She quickly stood from the chair and rushed to the doctor. Her eyes were wide opened now, uncertainty all over her face.

"Yes doctor?" Her voice cracked as she watched the doctor sighing.

"Are you Kim Taehyung's.?"

"Noona." The doctor nodded and pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"I am really sorry to give you this news but I am afraid he has suffered a heart attack. We spotted a congenital heart anomaly..."

The doctor's voice slowly vanished until it was a distant echo in the room. A pain on the back of her head, hammered intensely. A knot forming on her stomach as she watched the doctor's lips moving in slow motion.

"...it's been there the whole time, probably since he was born, he never got it checked and he never got the right treatment, and it only got worse with the heart attack he had yesterday..." Ara blinked a couple of times and almost fainted if it wasn't for the doctor who grabbed her arm to keep her still.

"Miss?" He asked, looking at her. She had her eyes closed, shaking her head. He quickly turned around and called for a nurse. Ara felt so weak to the news. Never in a million years had she imagined something like this could happen.

"Are you okay miss?" The nurse asked bringing a wheel chair for her. The doctor helped her and they took her to a new room. The doctor quickly checked her and gave her a couple of pills.

"You'll be fine. I guess you fainted momentarily because of the impact of the news." He said worried, checking her eyes with the small flashlight.

"I am fine now, thank you doctor." She said taking the glass of water and the pills they gave her. She looked at the doctor, her eyes glassy already.

"So what will hap-pen to him?" Ara's voice cracked. The doctor felt bad for a moment. He thought she really must love her young brother.

"He needs a transplant, as soon as possible." Ara blinked twice before her tears starting running down her cheeks.

"What?" She asked between her cries. The doctor looked down, with a shameful look. He hated to deliver bad news to families, especially if they were about really young people being sick. 

"Don't worry... We'll try to find a suitable donor- He stopped talking when he noticed the girl was too overwhelmed, he didn't want to be insensitive, so he just waited until Ara could take it all and finish reacting about the cruel news. "But of course, we can talk about this later." Ara nodded and rushed to get off the stretcher.

"Where is he? Can I see him?"

The doctor sighed and finally nodded. "Yes, of course... Can you please take her to his room?" The nurse quickly nodded and pushed the wheel chair but Ara shook her head. "No, it's okay... I'll go walking-

"But miss- The nurse started but Ara looked at her and shook her head.

"He can't see me in that. Please lead the way, i'll walk." The nurse sighed but finally nodded, leading Ara through a long white hall. When she finally reached room 195 she turned to look at the girl and gave her a reassuring look.

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