t h i r t y

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the night air was nice, it was autumn after all and he loved the cold night breezes wrapping around his body and thick clothes. the parking lot was packed, plenty people walking towards the entrance, showing off their expensive outfits. some photographers behind a metal rail, capturing the moment of the people entering the big building as they posed shamelessly.

he sighed mentally at the thought of enduring such thing. he's been through stuff like these many times in the past to the point he grew to hate it. but always there was some interest behind everything, and his new client had invited him and he really didn't want to disappoint him by rejecting such invitation.

trying to avoid too much attention, he walked quickly through the sea of cameras. he smiled softly as he did his way inside. he stopped for a moment, blinking several times to adjust his eyes to the soft light inside, nothing like the crazy flashes outside. once his eyes were okay he proceeded to walk inside.

some people would recognize him and say hi respectfully. he spotted his client on the distance when he called his name. he sighed and started slowly walking towards him.

as he did his way between the sea of people he wondered if they actually enjoyed these type of events, socialité events, like press would call it. he cursed mentally the day he decided to take famous clients, he remembered how easy was his life previously, like when he used to help regular people, people who really needed help.

"ahh taehyung you came!" the man in the dark navy suit with brown hair patted violently taehyung's back. he looked at him and smiled awkwardly.

"yeah, good evening..." he said to the other people around the circle. the man chuckled and turned to look at the rest of the audience.

"a bit stiff won't you say? that's why i invited him to this party eh? loose a bit man, you're only 35 after all right?" taehyung tried to laugh but it was physically painful, however it was from the audience's like, they surely laughed at the joke.

"everyone, this is my lawyer kim taehyung." he introduced him to the small group of people in around them. taehyung smiled and bowed.

"it's a pleasure."

the people greeted him back but soon one jumped to his side and smiled widely. "from kim law firm?" taehyung gave a sharp nod as he examined the man's face.

"ahh so i am assuming you are kim taehyung's grandson?" at first taehyung frowned but then he remembered the story of his life or at least the one he had told the people. he sighed and nodded.

"i am..."

"ahh really? i met your grandfather once and i must say, the resemblance is stunning." one of the other men said, they eyed the tall boy carefully.

"don't say it... he looks foreigner, probably like his mother. don't you see those green eyes? the kims didn't have green eyes." they all looked at each other and then at taehyung, he finally nodded.

"i remember your grandfather used to wear his hair blonde though, you wear it black, is that your natural color?"

"actually yes, it's my natural color." taehyung was upset with the lack of touch these people had but he definitely wasn't surprised, after all he's been knowing them for so long. he was older than most of them combined. but he had to come up with a very good story if he wanted to keep living his lie.

"are you comfortable living here in daegu? i mean i know your grandfather founded the law firm in gwanju..."

"uhh... it's comfortable. i really like living here." he said respectfully but he just wanted the night to end.

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