t w e n t y s i x

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ara was washing some vegetables when she heard the entrance door opening. she checked her clock and realized it was 9:45 p.m, the usual time taehyung would come to the store. she peeked through the kitchen door and saw the familiar blonde locks sitting on one of the tables. even if her restaurant wasn't as fancy as others, the blonde's presece somehow made the place look prettier. she smiled to herself and turned to look at her reflection on the metal surface of the kitchen appliances.

when fixing and combing some loose hair strands as she tried to look better for him, she noticed she couldn't contain her smile. ara had been waiting for his visit lately. especially after he confessed to her. she didn't confess back because she didn't know what she felt for him. it was true she had mixed feelings, but it was hard to know if she liked him back.

but she definitely was very fond of the boy and that she couldn't deny it. she grabbed a bottle of soju and put it on a tray and a washed glass. jinyi came inside the kitchen with more orders. ara told him to waiter the others tables but taehyung's. he nodded and took the orders to woonki as usual.

As nervousness crawled up her spine, she walked outside and towards taehyung's table. his eyes lightened up when he noticed ara coming his way, the fact that she was the one who was serving him that day, excited him. she smiled widely as she put the soju bottle on his table. she opened it and poured a glass for him. "welcome back." she said with a sweet voice.

he smiled widely and quickly drank the soju she delicately had served for him. his mood seemed lighter, better than a few days back. he looked clean shaved and healthier. he was wearing clean clothes, a pair of black jeans, a dark green sweater and a black leather jacket. his blonde hair looked soft and clean and he smelled like perfume.

ara smiled at the view and left the rest of the bottle there next to him. "are you hungry?" he nodded like a little kid with big puppy eyes.

"well... i'll prepare something for you." her sweet voice sending warm shivers to his spine somehow seemed like an accomplice look. his heart beat faster at the thought of her cooking a warm meal especially for him, just made him happy inside.

"Thank you ajumma." he bowed.

she walked back to the kitchen and started fixing a plate for him. having him back at the restaurant now made ara happy for what she cooked the dish from scratch, washed the vegetables, cut them, seasoned the meat and put it all in a pan. she hoped taehyung would like this food, she was cooking for him with love.

after finishing she put it in a plate with some rice and kimchi and took it back to his table. she didn't know if he liked meat but she wished he did. "here you go. please enjoy."

he looked down at the plate. it was full of meat mixed with vegetables and rice. this made his heart flutter when he remembered that more than 100 years in the past, han ara cooked this dish for him on her apartment as a comforting food and this is exactly what he craved and needed right now, comforting memories and comforting feelings.

the young lawyer tried to hold back his tears as he grabbed the chopsticks and dig in the food, he was so grateful for her making this simple yet wonderful dish for him. the taste was surprisingly exactly the same, his eyes filled with tears again just remembering the taste, it was so familiar yet so delicious, almost as if he couldn't believe that 100 years had passed since that moment he tried it for last time.

taehyung tried to eat slowly since he wanted to enjoy this meal and eat it deliciously. he hadn't had a homemade meal since a long time and he felt lucky that ara had prepared this one for him tonight.

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