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Have you ever been so scared, that nothing made scene? All of the things you knew before just doesn't really seem to matter anymore.
There was a time when all I was worried about was what I was going to wear to work, or what kind of coffee I was getting that morning. It all seems so stupid now. In the end.

It's been 37 days since the world ended, at least the world we knew. I was at the hospital, almost at the end of my shift

Morgan, Dwayne and I were looking around this small town known as king county. Were looking for supplies because the house were living in is running low, on Basically everything! We split up me and Dwayne took the east side of town while Morgan took the West. "Hey Caroline check out what I found" Dwayne tells me in a exited tone I look over at the small boy and see him holding up a The marvel comic book series. "I use to love to read these when I was your age" I told him "wait but your a girl" "That's sexist Dwayne, a girl can read comics just as much as a boy can!" I stated "Yeah I guess your right" He told me "Always am" I said while laughing. We looked around for another 45 minutes then decided to head back so we could meet up with Morgan.
Me and Dwayne was making our way back to the house were we were held up in when we hear yelling not like arguing type of yelling. The desperate pleading kind of yelling. Its definitely a man yelling, were too far away to make out exactly what the man was saying but I'm gonna find out.
I make Dwayne be quiet so they won't hear us coming, We were kinda like ninja sneaking our way over they're to check it out. We get close enough to see a man sitting on steps that lead to a white house. It looks like he was in a hospital gown. Dwayne must have thought it was a walker because he jets forward and smacks the man in the face with a shovel then Morgan comes around the corner just as I reach Dwayne. "Carl... Carl..I found you..I found you" the man mutters "DADDY I GOT THE SOM BITCH IMA SMACK HIM DEAD" Dwayne said "Did he say something​ I thought I heard him say something" Morgan asked "He called him Carl" I said "He mister, what's your wound" Morgan asked the man "Huh" the man mutters "Your wound what is it? A bite? You tell me or I will kill you" Morgan stated and after that the man backed out. "Help me get him inside" Morgan told me.
We carried the strange man into the home were currently occupying and we put him in a bedroom off the living room.
While I was warming up some beans Morgan was in they're talking to our new guest and Dwayne was reading his new Marvel comics.
After about 10 minutes Morgan come out the man who's name is known to be Rick Grimes following. We all sit at the table and as soon as I put food on Rick's plate he thanked me for it then dug right it. I gave food to everyone else and the Dwayne said "Daddy, Blessing" with that we all held hands and Morgan says the blessings "Father we thank thee for this food, Thy Blessings. And we ask you to watch over us in these crazy days, Amen" "Amen" me and Dwayne say we all start eating when I asked "Hey mister do even know what's going on?"
He shook his head no and said "I woke up I'm the hospital today came home and that's all I know" Morgan looked at me then at Rick and said "Yeah but you know about the dead ones right?" "Yeah I saw alot of that out on the loading dock" he told us "No not the ones they put down the ones they didn't, the walkers" I told him.
"Like the one I shot today, cause he would have ripped into you tried to eat you, taken some flesh at least. They get more active at night, maybe it's the cool air or hell maybe it's just me firing that gun today" Morgan told him. "They're out they're right now in the streets?" Rick asked "Yeah" I said "They will probably wonder off by morning, but hey listen one thing I do know is don't you get bit we saw your bandage and that what we were afraid of. Bites kill you the fever it burns you out, but after a while you come back" Morgan explained to Rick. "Seen it happen" Dwayne mutters
With that everyone got quiet.
After dinner we were all sitting around in the living room I was drawling, Dwayne was sleeping I think and Morgan and Rick were talking about how Rick was a Sheriff before the shit but the fan then the alarm to the car down the street starts going off again and scares Dwayne right out of sleep. Morgan told Rick it was just a car from down the street Rick asked if it would draw more of them I told him "Yeah if it goes on to long"
Rick walks up to the cover over the window so he can look outside Morgan says "Caroline, Dwayne get the lights" we do and then walk over to the window also but quickly got away because he saw him mom again. He runs to his bed crying and Morgan chases after him.
Morgan explains to Rick what happened to his wife, that she got bit and he didn't have the heart to put her down.
"your sure they're dead, I have to ask again" Rick asked me "Yeah they're dead" I told him
They're was a walker stumbling towards us and Rick tried to take it out with the ball bat but after it's down Rick falls to his knees "You alright" Morgan asks "I need a moment" Rick says.
After Rick's little walker killing session he took us to his house and explained how he believes his wife and son are alive. "they're in Atlanta I bet" Dwayne said "why Atlanta" Rick asked "They're is supposed to be a Refuge Center up there we were on our way there until my wife. They told everyone to go there before the broadcast stopped" Morgan told Rick
He took us to the police station where they're were showers!!!
They showerd in one room and I showerd in another and put this out fit on

 They told everyone to go there before the broadcast stopped" Morgan told RickHe took us to the police station where they're were showers!!! They showerd in one room and I showerd in another and put this out fit on

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Rick gave me a nice looking bow and arrow that was confiscated from a teenager a couple months back. It was badass.
Rick gave us some guns and then said he was gonna try and find his family. I decided I wanted to go also so I could look for my little sister Savannah. Morgan and Dwayne was upset but said they would meet up with us in about a week or so. So that he can teach Dwayne to shoot and he won't be so rusty.
I hugged them both and told them I would see them soon.
Then me and Rick was off.

So I never got to ask you what you did before all this." Rick asked me
"Oh I'm I was a doctor." I told him "Really, I bet your parents were real proud of you" Rick stated "oh I wouldn't really know what they think. I don't know who my parents are. It's just been me and my sister since as long as I can remember. Im and out of foster homes. That is until I turned 18 then I got got custody of my sister Savannah" i said flatly "How old was your sister?" "She was 12" I said. "Oh so your what 24?" He asked. "Yep I am" "my son Carl is 12" "cool" "yeah" he finished off.
It was silent after that but not like an awkward silence a comfortable silence.
Our car ran out of gas so I guess we're walking from here until we come up on a gas station or maybe even a house.
It was about 45 minutes of walking until we seen anything it was a farmhouse so Rick and I walked up to it and rick hollered hey can I borrow some gas.
We got no response so we walked up onto the porch and looked through the window just to see a couple who had shot themselves and wrote on the wall in blood God forgive us

Me and Rick found a horse so we both jumped on and made our way to Atlanta.
We reached the edge of the city and slowly made our way in, the streets were quiet they seem safe even until we made a wrong turn we saw hundreds maybe even thousands of walkers. The horse bucked us off and we fell to the ground we drop the gun bag and Rick lost his hat. We are running down the streets of Atlanta with Walker's not far behind Rick tripped and I helped him up just to fall down myself. We crawled under a tank and got in threw the bottom Escape whole. Rick hurry and shut all the exits.
"Well fuck" I said. Rick just nodded
We suddenly heard the radio start to buzz and a man's voice is heard. "Hey dumbasses, yeah you guys in the tank, cozy in there"

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