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We jumped out of the van and trying to decide which way we were going. "Merl or guns first?" Rick asked "Merl first we ain't even having this discussion" Daryl said. "We are" Rick told him. I looked at Glenn and said "you know the cities geography more you make the call " I told Glenn. "The guns would mean doubling back, Merl first!" He said. We run our way all the way to the convenient store. They're was a walker inside but Daryl took it out while muttering something about it being an ugly skank. After that we run all the way up the stairs and Rick breaks the chains with some bolt cutters and Daryl kicks the door open we make our way over to wear Merl was.... Just to see he's not here anymore and they're a alot of blood. I look down and see his hand. "NOOOO" Daryl starts to cry "No no" he says again. Merls Gone.
"GODDAMN" I yell. "I knew we shouldn't have left I fucking knew it" I say again. Then I walk off to be alone for a moment. I'm feeling guilty. Daryl lost his brother because my dumb ass was one of the ones who left him. "Hey Caroline were uh following this trial of blood to see where it leads" Glenn Told me. "I'll stay up here. Just in case he comes back" I said. "That's no a very good idea" Rick said. "I can take care of myself Rick" "I don't Dout that you can Caroline, I just worry about you okay" "fine whatever let's go" and I walked farther in front of the group. I quickly take out a walker from inside of the Building "Nice shooting" Daryl mutterd to where only I could hear "thanks"
We walk all the way into the building and smell something Rancid "what the hell is that" Daryl asked. "Flesh" I say "he fixed the stump" Rick spoke up.
"I'm all for looking for merl, but not empty handed. We need to get those guns I'm not going out they're with just my street smarts" T-Dog told us.
Glenn was laying out the plan on how were gonna get the guns back. It was actually kinda genius "me Daryl and Caroline will be in this ally" "Why us" I ask quickly "your bows are quieter then their guns" he told me. "Anyway, we will be in this ally here and you and T-Dog will will be in this ally over here" Glenn told Rick "2 block away why" "so I can have you guys in both places to cover me" "okay" I say. "Let's get to it". Me Glenn and Daryl make our way down the latter to the ally way where me and Glenn first met. "You got some balls for a Chinaman" Daryl told Glenn "I'm Korean" Glenn responded. "Whatever" Daryl said.
It's been about 2 minutes of silence until we hear faint footsteps. Daryl looks at me and puts his finger over his lips motioning for me to keep quiet. As the steps get closer Daryl jumps up from behind the dumpster me following. We see a Mexican boy no older then me standing they're. Daryl goes off asking the boy if he's seen his brother while I keep watch for walkers. I turn around because the boy starts yelling in Spanish "Shut him up Daryl he's gonna bring the geeks down on us" I wisper yell to him "yeah thanks for the Intel care" Daryl told me. "Welcome" I say just to annoy him. The boy keeps yelling in Spanish but louder This time. "Daryl we got company" I yell over to him as I see two men come around the corner Daryl kept the boy behind him but the man grabbed me and put me in a choke hold. I was hitting and punching the man but he wasn't letting up. I was slowing loosing breath and my vision was starting to blur. "Daryl" I mutter. "HEY LET HER GO" Daryl yells to the man I see Glenn come around the corner then everything goes black.
I wake up in complete darkness but I'm able to hear voices most of them are talking in Spanish but some in English. The voices seem to be getting closer when all the sudden a piercing bright light hits me and I see a bunch of faces. "Well hello they're" the man who pulled me out of a trunk I think said. "Where the hell am I" I ask the man "don't worry about that sweetheart" the man said. "My name's Caroline. Not sweetheart" "don't care" the man says as he puts a bag over my head. The mad put duct tape on my hands and then we started to walk we walked all the way up some stairs. A door opened and I was pushed threw it. I hear faint voices and I was pushed some more. Then the bag was ripped off my head and I was on the edge of the roof. I look down and see Daryl, Rick, T-Dog and Glenn Rick starts to holler something but I couldn't hear. I kept eye contact with one certain redneck. They push me some more and I almost fall over. Daryl starts to yell at the man Rick was previously talking to. I look Daryl in the eyes one last time before they put the bag back of my head. They take me back down the stairs and I'm guessing into a room. The bag is gently taken off my head and I see the man that Daryl and Rick was talking to "I'm G, sorry for all the fuss. Just needed to make a point" G told me. "Hell of a point" I mutter.
"We don't take Thief's lightly" "What the fuck did we steal" I ask "our bag of guns" "if I recall correctly that's​ our bag of guns" "not anymore" G finished.
After about 45 minutes I hear a man gasping for breath and I run over. "What's the matter" I ask. "He has asthma a lady told me. "Okay I need an inhaler, hurry" I yell out. I finally get Mr.Gilberts breath under control just as Rick and the group walk in. "What's this" Rick asked "asthma attack, all the sudden he couldn't catch his breath" I say "we thought you were getting eaten by dogs man"
I look over and laugh because the dogs are just poodles. "You okay" Daryl asks. "Yeah I'm okay" I told him.
They made a deal about the guns and we made our way out the door.
We were walking over to the van when Rick walked up next to me, "they didn't hurt you do they" nope I'm good,I swear" I tell him that shuts down the conversation. I was walking with my head down when I hear Daryl say "Where the hell is out van" then I look up just for the van to be nowhere in sight. "Who the hell would have taken it?" I ask "Merl" Rick said. "he's gonna be taking some Vengeance back to camp" Daryl said a little worried. Then we all start running for the mountains.
We're still running 20 minutes later, nearly they're by now when we hear a blood curling scream of a woman that made us all stop in our tracks for a split second. Then we dart up the mountain as fast as our legs would carry us and when we get they're it's a blood bath. They're is walkers and bodies everywhere. "LORI, CARL" Rick yells in a panic. We all fan out and start taking out walkers. They're everywhere I start with my gun and when it's out of ammo I go to my bow. I have taken out at least 20 walkers but it hasn't really made a dent. I'm shooting left and right when all the sudden I fall on my ass and a walker falls ontop of me trying to get a bit out of me. I'm screaming because I can't get ahold of my bow or anything at that matter. My arms are getting weaker when I hear my name being yelled then the walker is slung off of me and put down immediately. It Was Daryl I had to think for saving me. He handed me his knife and we went back to back taking out the remaining walkers. When everything was over when they were all gone i finally looked around. They're were Bodies everywhere. Our people. Dead. Then i let it out. I start bawling. For our people for my sister hell even for merl. Right then and there I let it all out.

I know I'm a little late on my update but I wanted it to be good. They're are some mistakes in this chapter because I really wanted it to get up today. Anyway thank you so much for reading my story! Comment what you think I would love to hear from you!

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