The Plan

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"It was-- it was good you weren't here for it." I say as Daryl and I take the spikes off the church walls. "She hanging in there?" Daryl asks referring to Sasha. She just lost Bob Because of Gareth. I look over and see her repeatedly banging on the spikes with a hammer "No." "Are you gonna take the cross, too?" Gabriel asked annoyed. "If we need it." Daryl states.
See were making to where the church is safe for a while. Daryl came back with a boy named Noah who Addie has taking a liking too. But no Carol. Daryl explained what happened and said he knew where Beth was thanks to Noah. I just wish Maggie was here to she would know her sister is safe. She left with Abraham Yesterday along with Glenn, Tara, Rostita and Eugean. So after we make the church safe Rick, Daryl, myself and a couple others are going to Atlanta to get Beth and Carol.
"Hey Mom, Dad" Addie says from behind us. "what's up munchkin?" Daryl asks her. "I wanna go to Atlanta with you guys to save Beth and Carol." "No. Out of the questions" I state. "Mom" "Addie your mom's right. We don't know what were getting our selves into with these people." Daryl tries to explain. "Dad listen. I'm 15 you and Mom can't hide me from what happens out there forever. Beth's my best friend I wanna help... Please." She cries. Daryl looks at me as if to ask me what I think. I nod slightly and he does too. "Fine. You stay with Your dad, Rick or myself. Got it?" I asks. "Yes" she smiles and pulls Daryl and i Into a hug. "Go get your knife and gun munchkin" daryl tells her.
We start to carry the spikes out the church and stick them in the ground. "She's right she's growing up." Rick says as he passes us. "Don't mean I have to like it." Daryl mumbles. I kiss Daryl's shoulder and walk back I to the church and grab our weapons and head towards the 2 cars we found. "Ready?" Rick asks everyone. We all nod. Daryl, addie, Noah and myself were in one car and and Rick Sasha and Tyreese in the other car.
It takes about 2 and a half hours to get to Atlanta but we made it. We decide to camp out in an old building to form our plan.
"Well, what's next on the agenda?" Sasha asks. "At sundown we fire a shot into the air. Get two of them out on patrol. Then once it's dark enough that the rooftop spotter won't see us, we go. We cut the locks on one of the stairways, take it to the fifth floor.
I open the door, Daryl takes the guard out." "How?" Tyreese asks interrupting Rick. "He slits his throat.
This is all about us doing this quiet, keeping the upper hand. They're not expecting us. From there, we fan out.
Knives and silenced weapons. We need to be fast. Tyreese, Sasha, take them. Daryl, you take care of whoever is in the kitchen. I got Dawn.
If they're smart, the rest of them will give up. Then it'll be seven on three.
Eight on three once we get a weapon
to Beth. The wards will help.That's best case." Rick explained "What's worst case? All it takes is one of those cops going down the hall at the wrong time. Then it's not quiet. All hands on deck" I state.
"We're talking about a lot of bullets flying around. Lot of people on our side in danger." Tyreese adds. "If that's what it takes." Rick tries "It's not. If we get a couple of her cops alive out here, we do an even trade.
Theirs for ours. Everybody goes home" Addison says. I smile at her. She's so smart. "Yeah, I get it.
And it might work.
This will work." Rick exclaimed.
"Nah, that'll work, too. You say this Dawn, she's just trying to keep it together, right? Trying and doing are two different things.
You take two of her cops away, what choices does she have? Everybody
goes home.Like she says." Daryl says trying to help Addie out. "Fine"
After we got our plan straight we sent Noah off alone to fire some shots into the air to get the cops from the hospitals attention. We're not far behind him. After he fired shots we waited in the ally and the cops showed up. They put zip ties around Noah's wrist and was waiting for someone to pick them up. It's our time to come out.
"Hands." Rick says "What do you want?" "Whatever this is, we can help." "You do what we say, we don't hurt you. Okay. Good. Now turn around. Put your guns on the floor and kneel. We need to talk." Rick declares.
"There's water if you need some and food." I tell the cops. The colored copies looks past me towards ruck. "Mind if I ask you something? The way you talk the way you carry yourself were you a cop? Believe it or not, I was, too." He states sounding a little sad. "That's Lamson. He'll be down for this. He's one of the good ones" Noah tells me then walks over and sits next to Addison. There getting pretty cozy. I don't mind it's good she's found someone in this fucked up life she's grew up in. I was off in my own world when the lady cop started talking to me.
"Your friend, what's his name? I need to talk to him. Your plan is going to get me and my friends killed." "We're gonna make it work." "It would work if you had different cops to trade. Dawn's running Grady into the ground. A bunch of us want her out and she knows it. Pretty sure she knows we want Lamson to replace her, too." She tries to explain. "Dawn doesn't know that." Lamson stated. "She might. And she's smart. So there's a good chance you can't make this deal work and that'll leave us all dead. But if you let us go, we'll take care of Dawn ourselves and then we'll let your friends go and this is over." Sheppard finished. "No, we're not gonna do that." Lamson addmitted as Daryl walked over. "Do you want to die?" Sheppard asked annoyed. "No. I just need you to shut up right now. You can make this work. But you've got to be able to talk to her." "Noah told us all about her." I say. "I've known her for eight years, ma'am. I know this woman. And my only interest is peaceful resolution, not dying, and sleeping in my bed tonight. So, please, let me help you. Please." He begged. "Hey, Rick. You're gonna want to hear this." Daryl hollerd over.
Rick walks over and Lamson starts explaining.
"She'll tell you she won't make a deal. She'll tell you she won't compromise. But she will. She always does. Just-- just know who you're talking to." Lamson assured. Rick nodded. "Probably heading out in the next 10 minutes or so. Anything you need before we leave?" I ask. Actually, water would be great." "Will do." "Thanks, Sergeant Lamson." Addie exclaims "My name's Bob." "You're still a cop." "No. No, the real ones are all gone..." He says sadly.
Rick and some if the other group walked outside to set up places for people to be with guns so when the other cops show up they won't try and take rick out. I'm left with Addie and Lamson.
"The parking lot, when you were bringing us back up here I-- I saw a rotter. I saw one of the rotters and I knew him. His name was Tyler. I met him at Grady. We were both sent there when shit started going down. It took two whole days to evacuate everyone. Didn't sleep. We didn't eat. But still, it was the two best days of my life. I was supposed to drive the last van of survivors to the zone and Dawn pulled me off. She wanted someone she could really trust and she put Tyler on it instead. These-- these people were gonna all be evacuated. I was really pissed. I saw him out there. Stuck out there, melted to the asphalt. And all I could think was, "That would have been me. It would have been me. He saved my life. " He's been out there the whole time. Like he's a part of the street. Some screwed up, endless joke. And there's nothing I can do about it." He explains sadly. "So let me help you. Do you remember where he was?" I ask. "Yeah, I-- I can take you right to him." He began. "We're not going out there, but I'm a good shot. Show me." "Okay. South side of the building. You can see him from in there. You see him? About 20 yards right of the sedan. There's a half wall. He's leaning against it." Lamson babbled. "I see him. Are you sure that's him?" I ask but I get pushed up against the glass and fall to the ground. I see Lamson running out the door when my vision fades black.

Hey asskickers! So how'd you like it. Let me know in the comments!
I love you guys!


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