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"We'll clear out a block for you, then you keep to it." I say. "All right." "Well, let's be clear. If we see you out here anywhere near our people, if I so much as even catch a whiff of your scent, I will kill you." Rick threatened. "Deal" Amos says.
We start to walk inside when Daryl stopped me. "Stay here" he says. "Daryl haven't we been over this, I can take car--" "of yourself I know. I don't trust these guys. Specially Amos. He keeps giving you looks." Daryl says while giving Amos a death stare. "Hey" I say as I grab his face and face it towards mine. "I'm not interested in Amos anyway. I have someone totally different on my mind" I say hoping he'll understand that I mean him. "Just please stay. Plus the old man need you" Daryl says and takes my hand off his face but keeps ahold of it. "Fine" I say. He just nodded and Rick hollerd for him.
I walk back into our cell block to check on Hershel.
I sit down and see that the bleeding still hasnt stopped completely. "It has to stop eventually, right?" Glenn asked me as he sits at Hershel feet. "It slowed down quite a bit already." I tell him. Then Carol, Beth and lori walked in. "If we can get him through this--" carol starts but is quickly shut down my Lori. "When we get him through this." She corrected. "we'll need crutches." Right now we could use some antibiotics and painkillers, some sterile gauze." I say naming off the things that could be of use. "There's got to be an infirmary here." Carol says. "If there is, we'll find it." Lori states. "You've gotta be worried sick about delivering the baby." Beth says. "Look at me. Do I look worried?" She asks. "You look disgusting." I say as I turn around "So do you." She says with a small laugh "We'll get through this." I tell them. "We have too"

Savannah's POV
"What are we gonna do without him?" Maggie asks me. "Hey, stop it. All right? Stop it. He's still here." I tell her. "What if he does wake up? Then what? He can't even walk. All we do is run." She exlaimed. "Hey this won't break him. Okay? He's got you, me, and Beth." I explained to her. "Am I the only person living in reality here? We've been through so much already. You're expecting it, too." She cries. "I'm not expecting, all right? I'm just preparing. Why don't you go check on Beth? Go on. I'll watch him." I insisted.
After that Caroline comes in. "Hey, Carebear" I say sadly. "Hey, what's wrong?" She asks me. She could always read me like a book. "Maggie's given up. She thinks he's gonna die." I explained to her. "You wanna know what I think?" She says. "What?" I ask. "I think he's gonna be just fine. And aren't I the doctor here" she says trying to lighten the mood. "Thanks care" I laugh. "Anytime" she says.

Caroline's POV

After I talked to Savannah I hear T-dog come threw the cell. "Food's here." "What do you got?" Carl asked exited. "Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans. There's a lot more where this came from." T-dog exlaimed. "Any change?" Rick asked me as he approached​ "Bleeding is under control and no fever, but his breath is labored and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet." I say. "Take my cuffs, put them on him. I'm not taking any chances." He told glenn. "Yeah. So what about those prisoners?" I ask as Glenn takes the cuffs. "We're gonna help them clear out their own cell block, and then they'll be there and we'll be here." He says simply.
"I'm not giving up this prison." Rick says after a moment of silence. "I don't expect you too. Do they have guns besides the one Amos has?" I ask. "I only saw one." He says. I just nod "Yeah, I don't know if it's gonna work." He utters. "Well, what are your options?" I ask. "Kill them." He and puts his head down. "We gotta do what we gotta do, to keep our group safe" I state. "Yeah..." I look around and noticed someone's missing. "Hey Rick, where's Daryl?" I ask concerned. A smirk comes to Rick's face as he says. "He's fine Caroline, he also told me if you ask and come back with us to tell you hell no." He laughed. "Yeah yeah I know" I say as I roll my eyes. "He cares about you, that rare in this world. Hold onto it." Rick tells me as he kisses my forehead. "Thanks da-- I mean rick" I say as I catch myself. I almost called him dad. "It's okay, call me whatever you want. And your welcome." He says and walks away.
30 minutes later
"What's going on?" Maggie asked as she walked in and saw the cuffs on her dad. "We had to." Glenn says. "It's just a precaution." She nodded. "You think maybe I could have a minute alone here?" She asked. "Yeah, you want me to--?" Glenn started. "No, just by myself." She says "Of course." I say. "I'll be right outside." Glenn says.

I know it's probably nosey but I had to listen​. "Dad you don't have to fight anymore. If you're worried about me Savannah and Beth, don't. Don't worry about us. We'll take care of each other. We'll look out. Me, Beth, Savannah and Glenn will look out. Go ahead, dad. It's okay. Be peaceful. You don't have to fight. If it's time to go, it's okay. Daddy, I just want to thank you. For everything, thank you." Maggie cries.

hile I'm listening​ in tears start to pouring down my cheeks. I start thinking. What if I ever lost savannah, or Daryl, Rick. If I lost them. I would loose myself.
Beth then walked into the cell. "Oh my God, do something! Somebody help!" She yells. I stand up and run in. "He's not breathing, do something" Beth says in panic. I put my head to his chest and don't hear a hear beat. I start giving his CPR. After a few pumps Hershel grabs my head. "Caroline!" Lori yells and pulls me away. I look at him and see his normal colored eyes. "He's not a walker" I say and get closer. He's now closed his eyes again and I go feel for a heart beat again and get one.
We hear the gate open and Glenn sticks his head out.
"I thought you were organizing the food." Glenn asked the person. "Even better. Check it out." Carl said as he sets a bag down. "Where did you get this?" I say as I see the medical supplies. "From the infirmary. Wasn't much left, but I cleared it out." He says proud. "You went by yourself?" Lori asked. "Yeah." He says triumphantly. "Are you crazy?" Lori questioned him. "No big deal. I killed two walkers." He says and blows her off. "You-- all right, do you see this? This was with the whole group." She tries to explain to him. "We needed supplies, so I got them." He says getting angry. "I appreciate that, but--" "Then get off my back." He yells. "Carl! She's your mother. You can't talk to her like that." I tell him. "Listen, I think it's great that you wanna help--" Lori starts but carl walks away. Wanting nothing to do with the conversation. After that I start to wrap hershels stump.
An hour and a half later
"Hershel stopped breathing. Caroline saved him." Carl told Rick as he comes back. "It's true. Still no fever." Glenn stated. "Daddy? Daddy." Beth says happily as Hershel opens his eyes. Hershel grabs for Rick's hand and squeezes it. Rick smiles and grabs Beth's hand "Come here" he says and puts Beth's hand in Hershel's.
I smile at the sight and walk outside.
I sit on the steps outside the cell block and hear the doors open behind me. Then someone sits beside me. "You did good" I hear Daryl say. I just nod and stick my head on his shoulder. "I'm exausted" I tell him. "Being a hero ain't easy" he says. "I'm not a hero" I tried to assure him. "Ya saved his life care. That's a hero in my book" he says. It was quiet for a moment then he grabbed my hand. I squeeze his hand. "I'm glad your okay." I tell him. "I'm glad yer okay too" he says and squeezes my hand.
I guess I fell asleep because I feel myself being lifted and then The creeking of the door entering the prison. Then I feel myself being lifted up stairs. "Goodnight care" I hear Daryl say after he lays me on my bed. "Goodnight Daryl" I mutter as he walks out.

Hey asskickers! That Daroline moment tho! Damn I love writing those! Anyway I hope you liked it.

I love you guys!!!


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