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Daryl and I were on watch while everyone was getting some sleep. It's good to be back with the group, even though we don't have a place to call home, as long as I'm with them I know I'll be alright. Addie is asleep with her head in Daryl's lap and her feet in mine. I smile down at her. "Ya know she told me every single day that she missed you" I Began. "I missed you both. Ya know for what seemed like forever I never thought I would be able to see you again. I thought I'd lost you forever. But then I remembered your you. Your strong and you weren't gonna let anything happen to her" he admitted referring to Addison. He then continued. "So we looked. We looked for you everywhere I barley slept....Neither did she." He says slowly. "What happened to her..?" I ask. He's quite upset about what happened to Beth. He feels like he failed her. "We were finally resting in a funeral home and I heard scratching on the door. I thought ya know if it's one walker I can take it out no problem, so I opened the door and it wasn't a walker it was a dog. I tried to get it to come inside but it ran off. Later on that night we hear scratching again and we thought it was the dog so I went and opened the door and came face to face with about a dozen Walkers. She threw me my bow and I told her to get out a window and I would meet her at the road. So she did. I finally got out and ran to the road and find the bag she has spilt on the road but she wasn't there. I look up and there a car with a white cross painted on it. I tried to follow it... I tried." He finished. "Hey, We're gonna find her, okay?" He nodds. We then hear twigs snapping towards the woods. Daryl lifts Addie's head so he can stand and look. "It's nothing" he says and sits back down.
The next morning
"But mom I don't want you guys to go" Addie cries. "Baby, remember when you use to stay with Hershel at the prison. While me and daddy hunted" she nods "Well now I'm gonna need you to stay with Aunt Maggie, okay?" She isn't happy about it but she agrees. "We'll be back soon munchkin" Daryl Comforted. "Promise?" "Promise." He says.
We then head towards the woods. "I hate leaving her now." I mutter. "Yeah me too" We look to see if there's any tracks that's not any of the group. We just have an uneasy feeling about it
We don't find anything so we catch a couple squirrels and head back. We exit the forest and see guns pointed at us. It's the group. "We surrender." Daryl states and holds the squirls up. They all lower there weapons and we walk over to Rick. "No tracks. No nothing." I say. "So whatever you heard last night It's more what I felt." Daryl points out. "If someone was watching us, there would have been something." I say. "Yeah.."
All the sudden we hear a man's scream. "HELP, HELP ME, HELP" "Dad come on, come on" Carl says and runs in the direction of the screams. We soon follow after and come upon a man on sitting on top of a rock with a walker pulling on his leg. Some of the new group members like Abraham, Tara and Rosita take out the first few and Daryl and I finish the rest. "We're clear. Keep watch." "Come on down. You okay?" I ask. He held up one finger and bent over and puked. He wipes his mouth and stands straight again. "Sorry. Yes. Thank you. I'm Gabriel." "Do you have any weapons on you?" Rick asks. "Do I look like I would have any weapons?" Gabriel asks. "We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like." Abraham exclamied "I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need." "Sure didn't look like it." Daryl addressed "I called for help. Help came. Do you have-- have any food? Whatever I-- I had left, it just hit the ground." He says after a moment of silence.
"We've got some pecans." Addison says and hands them to him. "Thank you." "That's a beautiful child.......Do you have a camp?" Gabriel asks trying to start up a conversation "No. Do you?" I ask. "I have a church." He says. Rick rolls his eyes and says "Hold your hands above your head. How many walkers have you killed?" "Not any, actually." Gabriel says "Turn around. How many people have you killed?" Rick asks. "None." Gabe says. "Why?" Rick asks. "Because the Lord abhors violence." "What have you done? We've all done something." Glenn asks. "I'm a sinner. I sin almost every day. But those sins, I confess them to God, not strangers." Gabriel Declared. "You said you had a church?" Michonne asks. He nods and starts Walking again. "Hey, earlier, were you watching us?" I ask. "I keep to myself. Nowadays, people are just as dangerous as the dead, don't you think?" "No, people are worse." Daryl says. "Well, I wasn't watching you. I haven't been beyond the stream near my church more than a few times since it all started. That was the furthest I've gone before today..... Or maybe I'm lying. Maybe I'm lying about everything and there's no church ahead at all. Maybe I'm leading you into a trap so I can steal all your squirrels." Gabriel laughs but the entire group stops. He turns around with a nervous smile "Members of my flock had often told me that my sense of humor leaves much to be desired." Gabriel continued. "Yeah, it does." Daryl jokes. We come upon a clearing and sure enough there is a big white church with a red roof. Gabriel goes up to the door with his keys and unlocks it. "Hold up Can we take a look around first? We just want to hold on to our squirrels." Rick says. Gabe nods and hands Rick the keys. A couple people pile Into the church and some looked around outside. I stayed with Gabriel, Addison, Judith and Carl.
Rick comes outside and hands the keys back to gabe. "I spent months here without stepping out the front door. If you found someone inside, well, it would have been surprising." "Thanks for this." Carl says and walks inside "We found a short bus out back. It don't run, but I bet we could fix that in less than a day or two. Father here says he doesn't want it. Looks like we found ourselves some transport. You understand what's at stake here, right?" Abraham exclamied "Yes, I do." Rick says. "Now that we can take a breath--" I start but Abraham cuts me off "We take a breath, we slow down, shit inevitably goes down." "We need supplies no matter what we do next." I say "That's right.Water, food, ammunition." "Short bus ain't going nowhere. Bring you back some baked beans." Daryl says and walks into the church "One way or another, we're doing what Rick does. We're not splitting up again." "What she said." Sasha says. "We want to roll with you, but what she said." I hear Bob state. Yeah we need supplies but what we all really need is some sleep.

Hey asskickers! I know I'm a day late on updating but I just wanted to tell you that I won't be updating tomorrow. My next update will be Friday it Saturday I have a busy busy week. Anyway thanks so much for reading my chapter! I love you guys so much!


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