I love you.

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2 days. That's how many days it's been since Daryl left me. Left the group. I'm dealing. I mean I'm trying. Savannah has been trying to help me "grieve" my loss. There making it sound like he died. Which isn't helping at all.
"Hey Carebear" I hear Savannah say as she walks up. "Yes?" I ask. "Nothing, just seeing how your doing?" She says. "Savannah, I love you I really do, but stop!" "Stop what?" She asked innocently "I'm fine. You've asked me that 600 times in 2 days. My answer will be the same Everytime. I'm fine." "I just wanna make sure Carebear. I know you care about him." She says. "Cared. Past tense as in not anymore." I say and start to walk off. "I'm not blind. None of us are Carebear, we see it. You love him" she says and I come to a dead stop. I stay silent for a moment then speak. "Whatever I feel for him is none of anybody's goddamn business. So butt out" i state angrily and walk off. I get around the corner and don't see anybody. I sit up against the wall and let it out. I'm not okay, but nobody needs to know that.

Daryl Dixon's POV
"There ain't nothing out here but mosquitoes and ants." I mumble to Merl. "Patience, little brother. Sooner or later, a squirrel is bound to scurry across your path." He says. "Even so, that ain't much food." I mutter. "More than nothing." He states. "I'd have better luck going through one of them houses we passed back on the turnoff." I tell him. "Is that what your new friends taught you? Hmm? How to loot for booty?" "Why don't we find a stream, try to look for some fish?" I say. "I think you're just trying to lead me back to the road, man.Get me over to that prison." "They got shelter. Food. A pot to piss in. Might not be a bad idea." I state. "For you, maybe. Ain't gonna be no damn party for me plus you don't wanna go back for the hospitality. You left someone didn't you?" He asks "Everyone will get used to each other." I say avoiding his last question. Not really wanting to think about caroline. "They're all dead. Makes no difference." He says. "How can you be so sure?" I ask. "Right about now he's probably hosting a housewarming party where's he gonna bury what's left of your pals. Let's hook some fish. Come on." He says. And heads for the stream.

Caroline's POV

"Now you said you found Tyreese's group here?" Glenn asked Carl. "Yeah." Carl says "We secured this." I say. We trying to figure out how the hell Tyreese and his group got in. Rick just had a major freak out after Andrea showed up. "He thought he came through here." Carl points out. "Means there's another breach. Okay. The whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it's gonna be cake for a group of armed men." I state. "Why are we even so sure he's going to attack? Maybe you scared him off." Beth says. "He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming. We should hit him now." Michonne says and we all give her the what the fuck look. What? He won't be expecting it." Michonne says.
"It's suiside" Hershel responded.
"Hershels right. Glenn put a group together and head for the tombs. We need to find the breach." I say. "On it" glenn says. "Good" I say and walk out. "Your a good leader" I hear someone say behind me. I jump because it's unexpected. I turn to see Rick. "Not as good as you" I tell him. "Better then me." He says. "If only"
I say walk off. "I saw Lori" Rick says and I stop. "Huh?" "I've been seeing Lori." "What do you mean you've been seeing her?" I ask. "I know it's not really her. I know it's not real" he says. "it's a part of the grieving process. It's normal" I tell him. "Thanks Caroline." "No problem" I say and he walks Into the field. I walk over to axel and Carol. "Hey guys" "Hey" they say at the same time then go back to they're​ previous conversation. "One day, this motherfuck---" axel says but gets shot in the head "ahhh" Carol yells and "EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!" I yell. I look out Into the field and see a man with a patch over his eye. This must me the Governor​. "Carl get inside. NOW!" I yell. "Savannah go inside with Carl and the baby" "No Caroline, I'm not leaving you!" She yells. "Yes, you are, I'll be inside as soon as it's safe." "Promise?" She asks. "I promise, now go" I tell her.
I wait until Savannah and Carl are safely inside then grab a gun. I start taking out men that are trying to get inside the fences.
They all start running back to there trucks. They eventually pull off not without taking a few more shots tho. I run back into the prison and go straight for Savannah. We hug and then I hug Carl. "Who were thoes people?" Savannah asks in panic. "The Govoner" I hear a voice say. A voice I know all to well. I turn and see him. Daryl. I huge smile spreads across my face. Happy to see him then I remembered. He left. My blood starts to boil. I walk up to him, he's smirking. I then slap him. Right across the face. "What the hell was that for?" He asked angrily. "For leaving" is all I say and walk out of the prison.
10 minutes later.
After I walk out of the prison I sit on the cat walk like I have done so many times before. The door opens behind me. "Hey" I hear Daryl say. "What?" I say in annoyance. "Why are you so mad?" He asks and rubs his hand down his face. That's when I got pissed. I stand up and get in his face "DAMNIT DARYL! I'm mad at you because I love you, I love you and you left you left without any consideration of me you were gone and I didn't know if I would ever see you again so yeah Daryl I'm fucking mad. I'm so sorry I'm not jumping for damn joy that your back!" I hole and walk toward the guard tower.
45 minutes later!
Daryl's POV
I'm sitting on the catwalk that Caroline just told me she loved me on. I don't know what to do but then it hits me. What the fuck is wrong me I need to find Caroline.
I search for Carolyn everywhere and finally found her in the guard Tower "care" I said quietly "Go away Daryl" she tells me I think she's crying "we need to talk" I state. "Talk about what? What could we possibly talk about huh let's talk about how I've made a complete fucking fool of myself by loving someone who will never lov--" I Cut Her Off with kiss "listen to me I'm not good at this feelings stuff I've never loved anyone or had anyone love me. I'm sorry that I left, I'm sorry that I upset you but I'm not sorry for being in love with you" I admit to her.
"I love you care"
"I love you too"

Ahhhhh!!!!!!! It happened!!! I'm so fucking exited!!! I couldn't wait any longer for them to admit it to each other!!!!.

I love you guys!!!


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