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Today we are doing what Dale wanted. We are letting Randall go. "You know this situation has nothing to do with Dale dying" Shane tells Rick. "We're doing what's right, no questions about it. I'm taking Daryl and Caroline and we're letting him go Shane. End of discussion" Rick says getting annoyed. "You wanna take them as your wing men, be my guest" Shane says. "Thanks for the support" Rick said sarcastically. "No problem." Shane says as he walks away.
Rick catches up with Andrea. "Hey Andrea" he says. She turns around and gives him a look "yeah." She says. "I wanna talk about shane." He tells her. "What about him?" She asked. "You've become close." Rick says.
"We talk." "Then you know he's not a bad guy. He's just his own worst enemy." Rick tells her. "You want me to babysit Shane? She asked confused "I need to make sure every time I leave the farm all hell doesn't break loose."
" Then maybe you should stop leaving." She says as she walks Into the house.
"Harsh" I say with a small laugh. Rick just look at me and smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Go get Daryl, we need to plan this out." He tells me. "Alright"
I walk up to Daryl's camp and see him packing up what's left of his things. "Hey daryl" I say as I approach. He turns his head a little "Hey" he says. "Rick wants us meet up with him at the house." I tell him. "Why?" He asked as he put the rest of his stuff on his bike. "So we can go over the plan on how this Randall drop off is gonna go" I tell him. He just shook his head. "This will finally be over soon" I say as I help daryl. "Bout fucking time" Daryl says "yeah" I say as Daryl jumps on his bike. "You coming​?" He asks as he starts the bike up. "Oh what the hell" I say as I jump on the back. "You gotta hang on" he says. "To what?" I ask he takes my hands and places them around his waist "here" he says. "You never been on a bike before?" He asks with a chuckle. "Not before I rode with you a couple weeks ago" I say. He just smirked as he pulls off. "Better hold on" Daryl yells over the engine as he speeds off. "Damn you Daryl" I yell and hear him laugh. We pull up to the house and I almost fall over trying to get off the bike. "What are you doing?" Daryl asked. "Getting​ off that thing before you start it again" I say. He just stared at me like I was stupid after that. "CAROLINE, DARYL" we hear Rick yell from the front porch. We both look up and see him motioning for us to come up there. We walk up to the porch and Rick starts explaining the plan to us. "Alright so we're gonna take him 45 miles in the opposite direction then we did last time. We need to get him as far away from us as we can before running out of gas. After Rick explained it to us he turns to Daryl.
"That thing you did the other night.." he starts "Ain't no reason you should do all the heavy lifting." Daryl tells him. They're talking about how Daryl shot Dale. "So are you good with all this?" Rick says Changing the subject.

We all see Shane walking up and Daryl walks off saying "I'm gonna take a piss. "I'm gonna go find Savannah" I say and walk Into the house. As I walk in I go.over to maggie. "Hey mags, where's Savannah?" I ask her. "Oh she's in her room with Toby" she tells me "Thanks" I say and head up the stairs. I get to the top of the stairs when I hear Savannah yelling "ITS NOT JUST ABOUT US TOBY" "SAVANNAH WE CAN BE MORE HAPPY IF WE GO" "IM NOT LEAVING MY FAMILY" Savannah finished off. Toby come bursting out the door but stops for a second when he sees me. He then passes me by and stomps down the stairs. I walk into Savannah's room and see her sitting on her bed crying she looks at me as I walk in and wipes her face. "Did you hear that?" she asked "Not if you didn't want me to" I tell her as I sit on her bed. She doesn't respond for a moment but finally speaks up. "It's not been the greatest between us lately is all. She says. I just shook and Savannah changed the subject. "So what did you come up here for anyway?" She asks. "Oh I just wanted to tell you that I'm going with Daryl and Rick to drop Randall off so I'll be gone for a little while" "just be safe" she tells me and gives me a hug. "Always am" I tell her.
Rick Daryl and I are packing up a car to take and T-dog walks up. "I'll go get the package" he says and walks towards the shed. "Where's my arrows" I say aloud to myself. "I put em in the back" Daryl tells me. "Oh thank" I say. He was about to respond when T-Dog comes running over. "HES GONE, RANDALL'S GONE" he yells. "What?" Rick asked as T-Dog reached us. "I went to unlock the door to get him and when I did he want in there" T-Dog tells is. We all run over to the shed to examine it. "It was locked from the outside" I stated. "Who was the last one seen here" carol asked. "How did he get out?" Lori asked after. We were all discussing it when we hear Shane "RICK, RICK" He yells as he comes over to us. His face is covered in blood. "What happend" Rick asked. "The son of a bitch got me. Hit me in the face took my gun" Shane says. "Are you okay?" Carl asked. "Yeah just a broken nose." Shane says.
Alright Daryl, Glenn, Caroline come with me. T-Dog get everyone back to the house. "Wait just let him go, wasn't that the plan, just to let him go" carol said. "Yeah far away from here not on our doorstep with a gun" I say. As we walk I to the woods. As we walk further in Rick asked me and Daryl "you see anything?" "Hey, look, there ain't no use in tracking him, okay? He went that way. We need to pair up. We spread out, we just chase him down. That's it." Shane says.
"Kid weighs a buck-25 soaking wet. You trying to tell us he got the jump on you?" Daryl asks Shane suspicious of what really happened "I say a rock pretty much evens those odds, wouldn't you?" Shane stated. "Alright that's enough. "Shane and I'll head east, you Caroline and Glenn take west" Rick tells Daryl.
We've been walking for a while when Glenn noticed were back where we started. "We're just back to square one." He says. "If you're gonna do a thing, you might as well do it right." Daryl says. We follow the tracks and me and Daryl looks t each other noticing the same thing. "What, what is it?" Glenn asked. "There's two sets of tracks right here. Shane must've followed him a lot longer than he said." I tell Glenn
Daryl aims his flashlight to a tree "There's fresh blood on this tree. There's more tracks. Looks like they're walking in tandem." Daryl says. "Sorry." Glenn says not understanding
"Yeah, there was a little dust up right here." Daryl tells me
"What do you mean?" Glenn asked
"I mean something went down." Daryl tells him. " It's getting weird." Glenn started. "Yeah tell me about it." I say aloud. Then we hear a rustling in the woods around us. We all get behind a tree still being able to see each other. Daryl counts to 3 and we all come out of our hiding places and see a Walker. it's Randall. Daryl hurries and takes it out. We examine the body and see nothing. "He got his neck broke. He's got no bites." Daryl says. "Yeah, none you can see." Glenn responded. "No, I'm telling you he died from this." I spoke up. "How's that possible?" Glenn asked. "I don't know but we better head back to the house to see if Shane and Rick made it back yet" I tell them. They both just silently agreed. We get back to the house and as we walk in everyone stairs at us. "Rick and Shane ain't back yet?" Daryl asked. "No" Lori says. "We heard gun shots" Andrea says. "Maybe they found Randall" Patricia says. "No we found him" I say. "Is he back in the shed" Hershel asked. "He's a walker" Daryl tells him. "Will you please go back out there and see what the hell's going on" Lori asked Daryl. "Yeah sure thing" he says as he motioned for me to follow him. We walk out onto the porch and I'm flowing Daryl but run into his back. "What the hell" i say as I look over his shoulder. "Oh shit". Everyone walks onto the porch and sees the Huge heard of walkers. "Patricia kill the lights" hershel Whispers. "Maybe we should go inside maybe they'll pass like the Herd on the highway" Glenn says. "Not unless you got a tunnel under the house that I don't know about. A herd that size will tear the house down" Daryl told Glenn. Andrea comes out with the guns and lays them on the ground. Maggie's the first one to grab one shocking Glenn "Maggie" he says "Growing up on a farm you learn a thing or two" she says. Hershel grabs one next. "You gonna fight em?" Daryl asks him. "This is my farm, I'll die here" he says "good a night as any" Daryl says as he jumps off the porch. He puts his hand out for me to follow. I turn around and look at Savannah. "Get to a car, if things go bad were meeting at the highway. Be there" I tell her. "I will I promise." She says. I hug her "I love you, stay safe" i tell her. "I love you too" she says. I then turn around and grab Daryl's hand and jump off the side of the porch. Daryl and I are still holding hands as he leads me to the bike. "Come on, were gonna ride around the farm and take as many out as we can." He says as he hands me the gun he has tucked away in his waist line. We start taking out walkers but we're not making a dent. The other group members are also going around the farm firing off shots but there's to many of them. Daryl parks farther away and we watch the barn burn. "We gotta get off the farm" i tell him. "I know" he says. "Another home gone" I say as he starts the engine. We're pulling out of the farm and I can't help but think. Is Rick okay? What about carl, Lori maggie, Glenn?
Where's my sister? Did she make it out? These thoughts overwhelm me. So I lay my head on Daryl's back with my hands tight around his waist.
I really hope everyone's okay.

Hey asskickers! If you watch the show you would think this was the last chapter of season 2 but no the next chapter will be the last of season 2. IT WILL BE A FILLER! So it will be shorter then most. I just need to tie up some loose ends.
Anyway thank you so much for reading my chapter downhill.
I love you guys.


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