What a world we live in.

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It's been about a week since I was shot, Hershel told me I can finally move back into my tent which I am so happy for because I can't stand looking at those bedroom walls any longer. Glenn put my tent up for me now all I have to do is get my stuff out of the RV and put it in my tent.
Maggie had an air mattress in the shed so she blew it up and told me I could have it so I wouldn't be on the ground. I'm still not able to help look for Sophia, they're all afraid that I'll get out there and do something to rip my stitches open. Which I think is complete bullshit but whatever.
Daryl's about to go out and see if he can find her, so I'm gonna go wish him luck. But first I have to change out of these clothes. I change into this

as I was putting my shirt on I hear someone walk in

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as I was putting my shirt on I hear someone walk in. I freeze because I know damn well they saw what I've been trying to hide for so long. "Caroline" I hear my sister's voice. I hurry and finish getting dressed and walk out of my tent without another word. "Caroline" she said trying to catch up but I ignore her. "Caroline" she says again. I turn around and say "What Savannah?" "What happened, to...To your back?" She asked refuring to the scars she seen only moment's ago. I stop for a moment and finally speak. "Not all of us grew up with southern hospitality like you did." Then I walk away. I walk over to Daryl with a smile on my face as if what happened​ with Savannah never happened. "Hey Daryl" "he care what's up?" "Oh nothing I just came to wish you luck on finding Sophia, since I can't come with you. Or anyone at that matter." I say. "Your still healing focus on that." He tells me as he starts to walk towards the woods. "I would if I could" I say to myself. "Be safe" I yell to Daryl before he gets out of ear reach. "Always am" he yells back right before he reaches the tree line.
After Daryl leaves I walk over to Glenn and ask if he wants to go a scavenge since I can't look for Sophia he says "yeah sure I have to go to the pharmacy anyway. You can come with me and Maggie and Savannah" "Alright awesome, I'll go get my gear" I say. "Okay were meeting by the Horses in 10" "alrighty".
I walk back to my tent to get my bow and then go to meet Glenn, Maggie and Savannah. I walk over when they're in the middle of a conversation "Can you ride a horse?" he asked Savannah. "Kinda but Caroline is better at it. When she was 18 and got full custody of me we went to this big horse show. She killed it" Savannah told Glenn. "Awesome so you and Caroline can share and horse and me and Maggie will share, that okay with you Caroline?" He asked finally acknowledging that I was there. "Yeah sure." After that we all jump on our horse and Maggie leads the way into town. We get there and Glenn pulls out a list. "Need any help?" I ask and he hands me the list. Me being a doctor I knew exactly what was on this list. Right at the top. Abortion pills. I give Glenn a dirty look and walk into the back to get the pills. I wasn't paying attention and a walker grabbed Maggie. "MAGGIE!" Glenn yells. I pull out my bow and try to get a clear shot on the walker but it's too close to Maggie for me to take a shot. Glenn grabs a shelf top and swings at the walker and it stumbled away from Maggie then I take my shot finishing the Undead prick off. Glenn rushes to Maggie to see if she's okay and I go to Savannah. Despite my anger towards her she's still my sister and if anything happens to her I don't know what I would do. "Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah care bear I'm fine" "alright let's finish this list off and get the hell out of here.
We finally leave the pharmacy and get back to the farm. Maggie rushes over too Lori and starts trowing the stuff at her. She finishes off by saying "and here's your abortion pills" I'm guessing Glenn didn't know what they were because he gave Lori this look that said what the hell. He runs after Maggie and Savannah goes to put the horses away. "Your pregnant?" I ask her. "I haven't told Rick. That's why I sent Glenn after these pills. I can't have a baby in the middle of this. You understand right?" She asked desperately "I'm a doctor and I understand people have to make these decisions. But maybe Rick should have a say in this too." I say and turn around and walk away. I walk over to the main camp and hear Dale say "Andrea don't" "but out Dale" she responds quite rudely. "What's going on?" I ask carol "walker in the field" she says. Then Andrea takes her shot. She gets exited so I'm guessing she hits her target but we hear the boys that are with the walker yelling. Then they start carrying someone up to the house. Wait that's Daryl. No oh my God that's Daryl. I run up to them and ask in a panic "is he dead?" "No Andrea just grazed him" Shane tells me. "Oh thank God, get him in the house to Hershel I'll be they're in a minute to help" "okay" rick says. I walk over to Andrea "is he okay?" She asked I didn't even respond I just punch her in the face and she falls on her ass. "You was told not to fucking shoot. And what do you do. You shoot and almost killed Daryl." She doesn't respond so I'll get down to eye level with her. "If he dies, you'll be the next one to go" then I stand up and run back to the house. I walk in and Daryl's​ awake. "Thank God" I mutter to myself but I'm pretty sure Daryl heard me. "Caroline I need you to stitch up his side where the arrow went threw" Hershel tells me. I walk over with the sewing supplies but Daryl hesitates to uncover his back. He did eventually and I sat down beside behind him and glance down. His back is covered in scars but I don't say anything, I know what it's like to be asked questions. It sucks. It brings up memories that people would rather keep buried. "Can you finish this off?" Hershel asked me as he stood up. "Yeah I got it" I tell him. He walks out along with Rick and Shane. It's quiet while I stitch him up. I finally finished and stood up to clean the blood off my hands in the bucket of water Hershel placed in here. "You ain't gonna ask?" Daryl mumbles lowly. "Ask what?" I say. "I know you saw em" he says refuring to his scars. "Yeah I saw them. But let's just say were more alike then I thought" I say and he looks confused. It's my turn to hesitate but finally I stand up and pull my shirt up to wear my back was showing. I turn to where my back was facing Daryl so he could see how were so alike. "Damn" he mutters. "Yeah"
"How?" He asked me. "Abusive foster father" he just nodded. "And how about you?" "Abusive father".
After that the room went silent. "DINNER" I hear Maggie yell. "You should go eat" he tells me. "Yeah probably. I'll be back up here later to check on you" I tell him and stand up and head for the door. "Thanks" he says. "For what" I ask. "Stitching me up" "no problem" I tell him. After that I open the door but as I'm about to close the door I stick my head back inside and say "oh and Daryl, next time do as I say. And be careful" he just grins a little and I walk down to join everyone for dinner.
Later I walk back up to Daryl's room but I get close and hear him and carol talking. "You did more for my little girl today then her daddy did his whole life" then she walked out. "Hey Caroline." She says and gives me a soft smile. "Hey Carol" I reply as she walks past me. I walk in his room and see that he's eating. "Hey" I say to him. He just looks up and nodded​. "You feeling okay. Anything hurting?" I ask. He just looks up and gave me a what the hell look. "Everything" he says "right" I say and laugh. "I just figured I'd come and see if your okay before I go to bed" "I'm good" he says "just bored" "now you know how I feel" I told him. "Yeah" he says "maybe I can keep you company tonight" I tell him. "Sure" he said. "Alright let me go get my sleeping bag out of my tent and I'll be back. "You can just lay here" he says awkwardly looking towards the spot beside him. "Yeah okay" I go over and sit on the side I'm sleeping on and just talk to Daryl. I've only known this man for a short period time but he's like my best friend. I don't know why I would have done if he would have died today. I wouldn't tell him that of course. "It's late" I say with a yawn. He just grunted. I lay down and face Daryl. "Goodnight" I say quietly and close my eyes. "Night Care" Daryl responds slowly. Then I fall asleep more comfortable then I have in a while.
*The Next Morning*
I wake up before Daryl and slip out of the covers and down the stairs. "Good Morning" I say to my sister. "Hey... not trying to be rude but, why are you in the house?" She asked. "Oh I stayed up in Daryl's room last night" I tell her. "Oh, so you and Daryl are what like a thing?" "No, he's just a really good friend" I say with a small laugh. "Oh" Savannah says. Then Toby walks in and I take that as my cue to leave "Yeah, well anyway im gonna go out and see if Rick needs any help with anything" I tell her and walk outside. I walk over to Lori first. "Hey Lori, how you feeling?" "Fine. Rick knows now" she says to me. "Oh you told him?" I say exited. "Not really, he found the pills. I was outside throwing them up and Rick came over and threw them on the ground next to me. We had a small argument but I don't think he's mad anymore" she says quiet relieved. "That's good. Anyway I wanted to tell you if you ever need anything for the baby, me being a doctor and all, I'm always around" "Thanks Caroline" she says and hugs me. After that I go over to Rick and ask if he needs anything. He says no not at the moment. Him and Andrea are about to go look for Sophia again. "Alright well I'm gonna go check on Daryl. I need to change his bandages." "Alright".
I walk back up to the house and I walk in on Savannah and Toby's make out session. "Oh god" I say and turn around. "Sorry Caroline" I hear Toby say with a laugh. "Yep" I say and run up the stairs. I walk in Daryl's room laughing and he asks "What's so funny" "oh nothing, I just walked in on Savannah and Toby Making out" I tell him and he just nodded. "Alright well I have to change you bandages so sit up." I tell him as I walk in the bathroom to get more. I walk in and he is sitting up on the bed. I walk behind him and cut the bandage so it will fall off. After a few minutes I finish up and throw the old bandages away. "Wanna go for a walk? I know how it feels to be stuck in this room." I tell Daryl. "Yeah" he says simply and follows me out the door and down the stairs. We walk threw the kitchen and they're still making out. "Doesn't your mouths start to hurt?" I ask them try don't answer so I just walk out. Daryl and I walk over to the fire to catch the end of the conversation "there's walkers in the barn" Glenn says. I stop in my tracks with hearing that. "What the hell" Shane says. "This shit is crazy, we have to do something" he adds in talking to himself more than anyone else. "What the hell?" T-Dog mutter as he's looking in the towards the woods. We look down and see Rick and hershel guiding walkers to the barn with sticks. Shane hands everyone guns and we all run down to the barn. We get close and I hear Shane yell "Man what the hell are you doing" "Shane just don't!" Rick tells him "why do your people have guns?" Hershel asks but doesn't get a response. "Are you kidding me. Do you see what he's holing onto?" Shane asked angrily "I see who I'm holding onto" Hershel yells back at him "nah man you dont" he hollers back. "Shane just let us do this then we can talk" Rick tried to compromise. "What you want to talk about Rick these things aint sick they aint people they're dead. You know why they do? THEY KILL they killed Amy, they killed Otis and they're gonna kill all of us if we don't do something! " Shane yells. "Hey Hershel man let me ask you something could a living breathing person walk away from this" Shane asked as he shoots the walker in the chest. "That's it's chest it's lungs why is it still coming? He shoots it again "that's it's heart!" What it still coming Shane yells again. "SHANE STOP" I Yell but get ignored. "SHANE THAT'S ENOUGH" Rick yelled. "Yeah your right man that is enough" Shane says as he walks up to the walker hershel has and shoots it. Enough risking our lives for a little girl who's GONE enough living next to a barn of things that are trying to kill us. ENOUGH! Rick it ain't like it was before! Now if y'all wanna live, if y'all wanna survive, you gotta fight for it. I'm at talkin bout fight right here, right now! Shane yells. Then he bust the barn doors open. All the walkers burst out and everyone with a gun lined up and started taking them out. It all seemed to go so fast. Finally they're all gone and everyone lower their guns. After a minute we hear the low sound of a walker again. Most people put they're guns back up and point it toward the barn. Then... Out walks Sophia. She's a walker. That poor little girl got lost in the woods and died it the most horrific way. "Sophia?" Carol cried and ran forward. Daryl stops her and they fall to the ground. Nobody moved, nobody makes a sound. Sophia is slowly making her way over to us. She's getting really close but still nobody moved. Finally Rick steps up and holds​ his gun up. He takes the shot and Sophia's body falls limp on the ground.
Sophia's gone.

Hey guys!!!!!! So this chapter was big. Maybe not in length but alot happened. I really hope you enjoy it. I worked really hard on getting this chapter out to you guys.
Btw thank you so much for 123 reads! I love you guys!!!!

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