30 Miles Out

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I decided that today I would go hunting. I've been out of the game for a while and I really wanna test out my new arrows. "Hey Rick" "yeah?" He says "I'm gonna go hunting and see what I can find" I tell him. "Are you sure it's safe to do that on your own" he says kinda worried. "I'm a big girl Rick" I say and start to walk away. "Just be careful" he tells me. Yes dad I think to myself. I grab my bow and arrows and head out.
As quietly as I can im walking threw the forest, I'm coming up on a buck and I put my arrow Into place. I go to shoot but somebody hits the tree behind the deer and scares is off. I turn around and see none other then Daryl Dixon. "What the hell" I say in annoyance. "Saving you trouble" he says simply. "I was gonna bring it back to camp, were running low on food, we could have used that" I say as I'm walking away. "How the hell were you gonna carry a 150 pound buck back to camp. Your at least 2 and a half miles away" he says in a duh tone. "I would've managed" I say. "Hmm im sure you would've" he mumbled.
"What are you even doing out here" I ask. "Hunting" he says. "No shit, I mean in this general area. There is a whole forest and you have to be here?" I ask. "No good hunting alone" he says then walks ahead. "Coming?" He asks and I can't help but smile as I follow.
After me and Daryl's hunting session we got 16 squirls 2 racoons and 7 rabbits. We decided to head back and cook some of em up. "We make a pretty good team Dixon" I say as were walking back. "Sure care" he says and rolls his eyes. "Who pissed in your breakfast" I ask him. He doesn't answer and walks ahead. I walk faster in order to catch up with him "you okay?" I ask him. "Tired" he says simply "okay..." I say and the rest of the walk after that was silent. We finally get back to camp and but the stuff down by the fire. "Wow this is alot of food" Carl says in awe I rub his head and say "sure is little buddy" "This is awesome" he says with a little laugh. "Yeah.. Hey where's your dad?" I ask him and he goes to respond but Lori cuts in. "Him and Shane went to go deal with our problem" "wait they ain't gonna..ya know kill him are they?" I ask. "Oh god no they're talking him 30 miles out and dropping him off" she tells me. I sigh in relief because I don't Rick to turn into that kind of person. Everyone comes over towards the fire and Daryl walks away. I walked away also so I could go see Savannah. I go up and knock on the door of the house and Beth answers it. "Hey.. Caroline right?" "Yeah that's me, I was wondering if you knew where Savannah was?" I ask. "Shes in the barn brushing down the horses" Beth tells me. "Okay thanks Beth" "your welcome." She says. I walk down to the barn and as I get close i hear... crying. I walk in and see Savannah sitting on a hay bale crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" I ask worried. "Me and Toby had a fight" she tells me. "Wanna talk about it?" I ask her. "Not really" she says. So I just sit down with her and she leans into me. "Thank you" she says. "For what?" I ask. "Just being here" she tells me. "What are big sisters for" I say.
After Savannah stopped crying she went to bed and I walked back over to the camp. "Hey Caroline" I hear T-Dog holler "yeah" I say as I turn around. "Wanna go on a run?" He asked me. "Oh god yes, I've been stuck in this damn camp too long" I say T-Dog laughs and says "were going to the next town over so we'll be in the car for a while." "Totally fine with that, Im gonna go grab my bow" I tell him "alright were taking Carol's Cherokee" he says. "Be there in 5"
I get my bow and stop by Lori's tent to tell her I'm leaving. "Hey Lori, I'm going on a run with T-Dog, need anything" I ask. "No not at the moment, but be safe okay" she tells me. "I will" I say as we hug.
I meet T-Dog over at the car "Ready" he asks "yep" I say.
We've been on the road for a little while, when T-Dog asked me "Where did you live, before the shit hit the fan"? "Alabama" I say. "I was from Georgia, never really went anywhere else, I wanted to tho. I wanted to pack up and travel the world. England, Paris, Rome" he told me. "I often thought about it. Once when I was in a foster home, it had been a bad night and I was standing at my bedroom window and I opened it and crawled out onto the roof, like I had so many times before. It's the only place I could really think. Anyway I was sitting on the roof and like I said the night hadn't been the best. I was sitting there and I was either gonna run away or jump off and kill myself" I said thinking back. "Wow white girl. I'm glad you didn't." He says. I give a dry laugh and say "Yeah me too.". It was silent for a moment then T-Dog spoke again. "Not that I wanted you to or anything but, what stopped you?" "The thought that maybe someday I would get out, and find my sister. If I had jumped I imagined what it would do to her, I didn't wanna put her threw that." I say. "Damn we just went deep" T-Dog laughs. "Yeah I know" I say. "We're here." T-Dog tells me.
We jump out of the car and started Scavenging.

Thank you guys so much for reading. I have 168 reads now and my mind is blown! I never thought I would get past 50. So thank you so much! I love you guys so much. Anyways in this chapter we get another look I to Caroline's background which I absolutely loved writing! I really home you enjoyed! I love you ass kickers.


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