Im so sorry

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13 hours later.
T-Dog and I had a pretty successful run actually. I mean we ran into Walker's but it was good. I walk over to Lori when I get back "Hey Lori, I know you said you didn't want anything but tough luck" I say as I pull out a necklace with an L on it. "Oh my God Caroline, it's beautiful" she says mezmorized. "I saw it and I thought of you" I tell her. She just laughed and hugged me. "Oh Hershel said when you got back that he needed to speak with you." She tells me. "Alright I'll head up there." I say. I walk up to Hershels place and knocked. Patricia answers "What can I do for you sweetie." She asked. "Oh um I was told Hershel asked for me" then Hershel comes up behind Patricia and says. "Hey Caroline, follow me" and walks past me. I follow silently confused on why we couldn't talk in the house. "So what's up hershel?" I ask as we stop at his chicken coop "I need to ask you a question" "Alright shoot" I tell him. "Alright so as we both know, Savannah's birthday is coming up and since she's been an amazing addition to our family I know we don't have a Court or anything but I wanted your permission to ask Savannah to be my daughter." He says. Im quiet for a moment, I don't know what to say, this man is asking me if he can take my sister from my family. "It's not up to me." I tell him. He just nodded and said something about him needing to water the cattle.
I walk over to my tent and grab my bow, and head towards the forest. I need some peace and quiet.. I'm quietly walking when I see a Walker stuck in the mud. I sit on a log and start trowing Rocks at it. "This whole damn world has fell apart because of you Undead pricks. Took my life away, my job, My home. All of it" I say to the walker as I continue throwing the rocks. Aperently it didn't appreciate that because it cold it's like out of the mud and I fall over as it grabs my leg. It's biting at my boot and I kick it in the head and run away. I should've killed it.
I head back to camp and everyone is by the fire. Even Daryl and he never leaves his camp anymore. I walk over to see what going on and Rick sees me. "Oh thank God" Rick says as he comes over and hugs me. "Hello to you too" I say as I hug him back. "Where the hell have you been" Daryl asks me. "I went to the woods, why" I ask. "You didn't think anyone should of known?" Carol asked me. "I didn't think it was gonna be a big deal" I say. "It's okay, as long as your okay honey, we were just worried. Nobody should be out there alone" Dale says as he walks up. "Okay sorry" I say. "Next time don't be a dumb bitch." Shane says. "Exuse me." I say. Daryl started to walk towards Shane but I stopped him. "I said don't be a dumb bitch next time" Shane says again. "Shane enough" Rick cuts in. "Fuck you" I say to Shane and walk off. I'm not in the mood for his bullshit today. I walk over to the fence at the edge of the property line and sit down. My head's down but I hear someone coming. "I'm not apologizing Rick" I say. "Not Rick" I hear Daryl's raspy voice say. I look up as Daryl is sitting down beside me. "Rick said were executing Randall." He tells me. "Do you agree with the decision?" I ask. "He's a threat care, gotta take out the threat's" he says. "I think we should let him go." I say as I put my head on Daryl's shoulder. "Why" he asks. "Because I believe that there are still good people" I tell him. "Maybe." Daryl says. "Can I ask you something?" I ask Daryl. "Sure" he says and looks ahead. "What were you mad about, after our hunt yesterday?" He was quiet for a second then He said "I use to hunt with Merl, we always got pretty good game. Guess it just reminded me of em" he tells me. "Oh" I say. "Yeah, we should probably head back, they're having some meeting on weather to spare Randall's life or not." He says. "Yeah" I say as I lift my head. Daryl stands up and offers me a hand. I grab it and he pulls me up. We hold hands for a moment, but he lets go. We walk back up to the house in silence. We walk in and they start the "meeting". "Alright how do me do this?" Glenn asks. "Do we just vote" "can it be anonymous" people start asking. "Alright guys listen" Rick starts "Anybody who doesn't think we should kill him raise your hand" Rick says. Dale raised his had along with Andrea and...myself. Thats all it was only us three who didn't want to go along with killing a man. "Well, what a turn out, three people, THREE PEOPLE, are the only ones who hasn't let the world take them down with it, shame" Dale says. "Guess that means we do it?" Glenn asked. "I'm disappointed" Dale says to Glenn. "Then it's final" Rick says. "Wait. I think a man's life is worth more then a five minute conversation." I say. "Shut u--" Shane starts but Rick cuts in. "Say your piece Caroline" "Why, all I have to ask is why" I say. "He has a group and if we let him go he could go get them and attack" Rick tells me. "So your gonna kill a man on a crime he may not even commit? That bullshit, you all want this" I ask as I look around. "No your all gonna go sit in your tents and try and forget that our group is Killing an innocent" I say. "I'll have no part of it." Dale says and walks out as I follow. "Thank you, for standing with me" Dale says as were walking around the farm. "I stood on the side I believed was right." I say. "Hey we should be out here without weapons, I'm gonna go get my bow" I say "I'll be around" Dale says. I walk over to my tent and Daryl walks up. "You okay?" He asks "Why wouldn't I be" I say sarcastically. He didn't say anything. "I'm just getting my bow and me and Dale are taking a walk." I say. "I should probably--" Daryl starts "oh right, yeah you should probably go kill that boy" I say and start to walk away. "I'm not doing it for me." He says. "Then what are you doing it for? Huh?" I ask. He just stays silent. "Yeah that's what I thought" I say and go to find Dale. I get stopped again by Andrea "Hey, weren't you with Dale?" She asks. "Yeah I'm about to go find him...wanna come?" "Yeah sure" she says. "Wait you go ahead I'm supposed to help T-Dog moves the cars" she says. "Okay"
I can't see anything out here. There is so much fog. "AHHH" I hear someone scream. It sounds like Dale. "DALE" I yell "DALE WHERE ARE YOU, DALE!!" I scream. I run towards the cry's and just as I get there Daryl takes out the walker standing over Dale. I run up to Dale and fall to my knees. His stomach is ripped open, and he's loosing alot of blood. "I'm right here okay, just hold on" I tell Dale threw my cry's. "Just hold on Dale" I keep telling him. HEY OVER HERE HEY!" Daryl yells. "Who is it?" I hear Andrea ask In panic. She sees Dale and falls to her knees next to me. "No Dale, not you i cant loose you" she cry's. "Caroline do something" Carol yells. "I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do" I keep repeating over and over again. "GET HERSHEL WE NEED HERSHEL" Rick yells. "What's going on?" Hershel asks as he arrives. "We gotta get him to the house, Glenn---" Rick starts to give orders but Hershel cuts him off. "He won't make the trip." Hershel says calmly. "Then we gotta do the operation here. Glenn go back to the house and get--" Rick starts but is again but off by Hershel shaking his head no. "NO" Rick yells in a desperate tone. Dale starts coughing up more blood. "He's suffering, we gotta do something" I say. Rick pulls his gun out and aims it at Dale's head. He starts to pull the trigger but he can't. Daryl takes the gun from Rick seeing that he can't do it..
He gets on one knee next to me and sticks the gun to Dale's head. Dale lifts his head ever so slightly to meet the head of the gun. "Sorry brother" Daryl says and pulls the trigger. "No, no, no, no, no" I keep repeating to myself. "Get her outta here, she doesn't need to see this anymore, she could go into shock." Hershel says. Daryl pulls me to my feet and guided me away and took me up to his camp. "I killed Dale" I say. "No you didn't Caroline" Daryl says. "Yes I did, I killed Dale" I say again. "How could you think that?" He asks me. "Because I saw that walker. The one who killed Dale I saw it in the woods, and I didn't kill it, I didn't kill it and it killed Dale. It's all my fault" I says and Burst into tears once again. "Care, it's not your fault" Daryl says again. "It's not your fault. He repeated.
"Get some sleep." He says as he nods towards his tent. I just nod and walk into his tent. I lay down and think to myself. Can someone die of sadness?.

OMG!!!! GUYS I MADE IT TO 200 READS! I'm absolutely mezmorized! Thank you guys so much I love all my ass kickers so much.
Anyways. Awe poor Dale. He was one of my favorite characters and I hated killing him off! It sucked even the second time.


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